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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. It's crazy how some people get so tore up from the floor up at an early age. And then you have Paul Rudd at 54: Or Ernie Hudson at 78
  2. I thought he was way older than that.
  3. He'll let us know his thoughts on China after BYD convinces the Chinese government to seize Tesla's assets in that country.
  4. You are probably right. Which is why it's a good thing that the federal government is pledging that they will front the cost of cleaning up the wreckage and rebuilding the bridge. Clawing the money from these companies could take years.
  5. If a lack of maintenance is the cause for this incident, then I would hope the state and federal government sue the shit out of the company who operates this vessel to cover the cost of replacing the bridge as well as payouts to all of the families who lost their loved ones.
  6. I made 45 bucks on RDDT. I bought 15 shares on Friday (because I'm an idiot and didn't do the pre-IPO thing) and sold a few minutes ago. What should I do with my new found wealth?
  7. Maybe you can help out, but how debatable is it that the quality of life, economic output, and personal freedoms in West Germany far outpaced East Germany? And the same is true to this day on the Korean peninsula. Only thing I would add is that South Korea was absolutely a dictatorship for the first few decades of its existence. Since liberalization and democratization, South Korea has leapfrogged its communist brother in every measurable way.
  8. There are some nice little towns in Idaho. But yeah, it's a very socially conservative state, which means racism is pretty persistent.
  9. Are there any comparatively sized social media companies that are publicly traded?
  10. Russia would have to build more Navy ships in their black sea bases, because Turkey won't allow them to bring in warships from their other bases outside of the black sea, from what I understand.
  11. I kind of want X to fail and close up shop, so I can watch SpaceX launches on Youtube again. I don't like watching rocket launches in potato resolution.
  12. If the perpetrators are never actually caught or killed, I wouldn't doubt that it is a false flag attack and that they'll blame it on Ukraine.
  13. It's so sad. I don't think there is a single country or organization that could turn things around there.
  14. I have a bottle of Jefferson's Ocean sitting in my cabinet. I bought it about 6 months ago, but I haven't had any of it yet. Well, I've had some from a different bottle at work, but this one is mine.
  15. I made a bunch of meme money when AMC went crazy a few years ago. Will lightning strike twice? BUY???
  16. Not middle America, but I don't think Newsome would do well in Nevada and Arizona because of the general dislike of Californians in those states.
  17. Judge McCaffee has made a ruling on the whole DA Willis sex scandal thing: Willis must decide whether to withdraw her entire team (which would mean a different county/prosecutor would have to take up the case) OR Nathan Wade has to be removed from the prosecution's team. Also, the judge didn't throw out any of the charges against Trump and his chuds.
  18. I agree. It's not just the "what" a person does or has done, it's "how" they accomplish those things. I have passed up hiring applicants in the past because it was clear that even if they were highly talented and skilled, they'd burn every bridge along their path.
  19. Gen Z has the attention span that rivals the length of a TikTok video, so I'm assuming Biden will be fine come November.
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