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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Eh, she's smart enough to realize she has a political future.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if he picks Condi to be Nat Security Adviser #4. Or better yet, has Pence resign, and nominates her to be the VP. Female. Black. Tolerable. It would at least make the Trump ticket in 2020 more tolerable to minorities and women - He's currently doing horrible among those demographics. That isn't to say putting Rice on the ticket would cause Trump to win over a majority of black people or even women voters - but it wouldn't hurt.
  3. The way pence strangely capitalizes random words is awfully a lot like Trump's way of tweeting. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump borrowed pence's phone wrote that tweet himself.
  4. I wouldn't oppose a licensing system somewhat similar to the Canadian system, but I wouldn't mandate safe-storage requirements, weapons class restrictions, and transportation restrictions. Undergo a background check once, you are then issued an ID card. Anytime you buy a gun (private sale or at a gun shop), the seller calls in to NICS or visits a website, punches in the buyer's information, and is given a proceed/deny/wait check. That would actually be more stringent then the Canadian system. As long as the buyer has a PAL card, they are simply given the gun by seller. They don't verify that there card is still good, as far as I know.
  5. I'm suggesting we don't use gun shops to facilitate background checks. I'm suggesting we let buyers and sellers access NICS themselves. Yes, there is a cost associated with doing that, but that can be budgeted for through an increase in funds for the FBI. If we want people to actually use the system, you need to make it free and easy to use . I think NICS currently employees around 500 full time employee and contractors. Everything I've read on the subject is that they are incredibly overburdened as it is. Doubling the number of employees and contractors would obviously raise the NICS budget, but it would decrease the burden on current workers for the agency, and allow for more checks from private sales.
  6. Just like printing pamphlets isn't free - I have to pay a printer to print them for me, or invest in a printing press to do it myself. But there shouldn't have to be additional government fees or taxes on a civil right just so I can practice it.
  7. This is the way several states do universal background checks. And the checks aren't free either - you have to go to the gun shop to do the check, and the fee could be anywhere from $20 to $50 or more. Once you are done borrowing my gun (say you wanted to take my .22 out plinking over the weekend), we have to go back to the gun shop, do a background check on myself, pay another $20 to $50, and then I can have my gun back. States with UBCs like this also have piss poor compliance rates. I suppose you could make the penalties even harsher to enforce the law, but why not just make the system easier to comply with? Make the system free and easy to use for the buyer and seller so they never even have to step foot in a gun store.
  8. Do I have to undergo a background check if my friend lets me borrow his gun, even when I already own several guns? Does he have to undergo a background check when I give his own gun back to him?
  9. I'll take my 15 minute drive to work over having to revolve my life around bus schedules and 1 or more hours bus rides, thank you.
  10. Yeah we getting UBCs now. Hopefully it's a good version that people will actually want to use.
  11. The government can't ban them anymore than they can ban free speech. It's baked into the constitution.
  12. Pistols accounted for 4 of the 8 mass shootings this year. If you want to broaden your definition of what a mass shooting is, pistols make up an overwhelming majority of these incidents. Banning ARs and AKs will not curb mass shootings.
  13. An interesting article on the decline of the serial killer. Many of today's mass shooters will cite past mass shooter's "score" when they carry out their own attacks. Hopefully mass shootings become less frequent, just as serial killings did as well.
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