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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Warren: Making abortion illegal won't stop people from having abortions. Everyone on the stage: Making assault weapons illegal will stop people from using assault weapons
  2. Which would be retribution. Which would be illegal. Which means Attorney General Barr would have to pursue charges against Trump!
  3. I would argue that we had no business being in Syria in the first place. Russia has a long relationship with Syria, and our being there only strained alliances in the region. That being said, the way Trump is trying to exit Syria clearly has no net benefit for America, but a lot of benefit for Russia, Syria, and to an extent Turkey.
  4. This. Even if the House holds a vote, Trump is going to find another excuse as to not participate. and the Democrats will have gotten played. Again.
  5. No civil right should have a fee or tax associated with it. Even postage for mail in ballots should be free.
  6. But how will we know if there is a crisis if we can't monitor where there troops are, libcuck.
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