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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. The optics of this move by Trump with 3M aren't good. If he had just instituted the DPA 3 or 4 weeks ago with 3M and other manufacturers, we wouldn't have to be "taking away" resources from Canada other Mexico. And now these countries are likely to retaliate in some way.
  2. There is an argument to be made that the President doesn't have the power to make such an order.
  3. Government model estimates 91,000+ 93,500 Americans will die by August. Up from 82,000 from yesterday's model.
  4. I'm not disagreeing. I just thought it was an interesting anecdote from the daily briefing.
  5. Pence says that people without insurance won't have to worry about paying for COVID-19 treatment - the federal government will reimburse hospitals for those costs. Doesn't that sort of shaft insurance companies, from their point of view? Will insurance companies start groveling for money to cover the costs as well? Probably.
  6. It's pretty evident that our military, especially the Navy because personnel are packed so tightly together, do not perform well during a pandemic. The good (I guess?) news is that this virus is nation-blind. If it's going to affect our Navy, it's going to affect everyone else's as well. Russia, China, the UK, and other countries with advanced navies will have to struggle with this, which means it's doubtful anyone country could gain an advantage over another.
  7. Also, if you made more than the cutoff last year, then you don't get anything, even if you lost your job because of the pandemic, from what I understand.
  8. My wife takes an antacid for heartburn. But I didn't remember which kind, so I went up to her and asked if she takes Xanax (mistaking the name for Zantac) and she got mildly offended.
  9. I'm surprised we haven't seen more "end of times" relgious zealots use the pandemic as an excuse to carry out horrendous actions like this.
  10. Our Daughter's teacher just sent out a message to all of the parents saying that the district is going to immediatly halt using zoom for distance learning. So now she has to scramble and find a suitable substitute. Since they are already using Google Classroom, she's going to try using hangouts.meet. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
  11. And we are still projected to be two weeks away from the peak. It wouldn't surpise me if this kills more Americans than every war except the Civil War and World War 2.
  12. He hitched his entire run on global warming. You were never going to win the contest on that platform alone.
  13. Just spit balling here, but wouldn't it be better to be outside like these homeless people are compared to crammed inside of a shelter during this pandemic?
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