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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. WWE is doing a show in Saudi Arabia next month, and is pretty much all in on going because of the fat checks the prince cut to the McMahons.
  2. Did the people who design these things never watch the Terminator? Arnold wasn't parkouring after Sarah Conner and that's one of the few reasons he failed.
  3. Trump should build the wall out of anyone named Clinton since no one can seem to get over them.
  4. Wasn't she one of the many people reportedly "leaving" while Trump and company screamed "fake news" only for it to actually be true?
  5. It’s people crying about Merry Christmas not being on coffee cups. Fuck anyone crying about political correctness.
  6. I've got family and friends who think Trump is a genius businessman.
  7. That movie is hilarious for the casting alone. At the time, Jason Lee was the biggest star among the four friends so he had top billing underneath Morgan Freeman and Tom Sizemore. Now, Tom Jane, Timothy Olyphant and Damien Lewis are all bigger stars than him.
  8. Holy shit, Damien Lewis is someone I never thought of but after Homeland and (not kidding) Dreamcatcher, he’s perfect. And yeah, he ends up with Avengers Tower after Stark goes into hiding.
  9. So this means we’ll eventually be getting Norman Osborn?
  10. I know most people are entrenched on their "sides", but I feel like this was a story that would have swayed people who voted for him based on the notion of "he was a self made billionaire who would run the country like he runs his businesses". The Woodward book proved that he had no idea how even the most basic stuff in government worked, so it was no shock that he had no idea how even business stuff worked.
  11. Just remember the four Fs: FFFF... it's a nickname! I can't believe he said that under oath.
  12. At this point these people would defend Trump if he straight up said the Holocaust was a good idea.
  13. It didn’t help that the first image of Apocalpyse that released looked terrible and everyone compared it to Ivan Ooze.
  14. I just finished Bob Woodward’s Fear and now I’m plowing through Marc Maron’s Attempting Normal.
  15. Heading home away from the thrills, Over yonder from the hills, Riding on my horse, Seeing another rider in front of me of course, Eying his ride and getting mesmerized. Big beautiful pendulums that are super sized, All the way to the left and to the right, Looking at balls so big they are quite a sight, Left and right they go to the point where I wind up on the floor, Shitty ass horse I'm riding on has dropped me because she's a jealous whore.
  16. I'd remove Doctor Strange, both Ant-Mans, and the second Guardians movie from that list. They're not great, but they are good.
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