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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Gotta give them the bullet.
  2. Clinton was never impeached. Although I think she should be impeached for the emails and Benghazi.
  3. Sessions must be pissed. EDIT: Nevermind, that shithead is from Alabama.
  4. Rudy must have insane biceps from all the goalpost shifting he’s done since becoming Trump’s lawyer.
  5. I just realized Sean Spicer was only press secretary from January to around June or July of 2017. It's amazing all the stupid shit he said during that time.
  6. Who do you trust? The liar or the lawyer that covered up for the liar and kept tapes?
  7. Trump supporters have what I'd like to now dub "The View Derangement Syndrome." Those people go nuts anytime a conservative gets fired for something and then immediately asks why "those bitches on the View haven't been fired yet for being mean to the President."
  8. Like I said, Trump is going to end up like Michael Corleone at the end of the last Godfather movie: alone, dying, with only a dog for company... or in his case, Jeff Sessions or Mike Pence. I just like the idea of his daughter taking the first figurative bullet.
  9. As I said in the other thread, you can tell a marriage is going well when a couple is getting separate hotel rooms.
  10. Let's be real, half the people in positions of power in this government don't know what half the shit that @SFLUFAN wrote even means.
  11. I can't wait for the recording of "Hey Mike, I need you to take care of the baby that bitch is carrying. Get the coat hanger."
  12. Weaponized by a guy who claimed children were being held as sex slaves in the basement of a pizza shop by Hillary Clinton.
  13. But again, they were from a decade ago, before they hired him. And again, Trump has said just as vile shit in his Twitter feed before he ran for President.
  14. The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie has a “I jizzed all over the walls of my spaceship” joke. Family friendly my ass.
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