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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. I would love to see these companies over-engineer the fuck out of a marble to compete in this.
  2. Oh, I completely understand that and I think I misworded. It was more of the outliers to the pandemic spike. There is the gentle (and in a few cases not so gentle) rise and then there are the ones that seem to be attempting to force a new bar for some games.
  3. Some of these listings where added to discussions about how stupid pricing has gotten during COVID-19. I remember this due to people saying that it was an example of situation where somebody was setting a new bar of pricing instead of letting the market stabilize. Basically the prices got laughed off in the same fashion of the guy that was trying to sale a cart only copy of NES Legend of Zelda for $90. He wouldn't stop describing its "mintiness" and how clean it was.
  4. I point that out to a few people out here that they drive this monstrous trucks that you need a ladder to get into it. They never once have taken them off road and the only loads they have hauled in them are groceries, but they claim that one day they will need the functionality. Years later and I am still waiting to see that day for them.
  5. Ah so you were the one listing for twice the value over there that some retro groups were bitching about.
  6. Honestly, I am about done even living in the world. Between idiots that refuse to understand the concept of how a mask works to help prevent people from getting sick to the local school district knowing keeping a pedophile on as the high school principal (police report was filed any everything but while they didnt have enough to press charges the deputy noted that he was concerned but the actions of the principal, but that is another story). I am just starting to run out of the will to live. At this point I have seen my son graduate and take his first steps into manhood, I can't teach him much else and am proud of the person he has become.
  7. I wasn't shopping for it. I just noticed the price in passing. Just about floored me.
  8. Yeah I hear you about Red and Gulliver (and now that there are 2 variants of the damn pelican). I have had to depend on my son for painting because get Red maybe once a month if Im lucky. He seems to show up on my son's about every other week.
  9. Does somebody want to let him know how flawed that Michigan study was that excluded a large swath of people that are still hospitalized or died?
  10. So what are the chances that Trump will quote something from one of these actors and say something to the point of "Lincoln told me so himself."
  11. Do you see how much she has to drink with just the responsibility of riling up the really easy to dupe Fox News viewership. The country would enter an second unintended prohibition due to all the alcohol that would need to be funneled into the White House with her added responsibilities.
  12. Sort of a side find/project. Printed out a lightbox for a Marvel v Capcom 2 marquee.
  13. I personally love the claim that they feared for their lives. Because you know her posturing of waving a gun around like she was inconvenienced that the gardener didn't show up to water her flowerbed and she had to do it herself screams fear.
  14. I had one as a kid, I remember getting it for christmas and proceeding to beat the crap out of Commando with it. Seen this one was CIB and had to get it for memories sake.
  15. Here our Safeway had an issue with a customer entering without a mask and our deputies had to show up to block entrance. The guy and his wife ended up parading their kids outside waving American flags while shouting "I thought this was a free country." Their kids are to young to understand what is going on, but they will wave the shit out of a flag anytime.
  16. Pickups for June (and maybe end of May).
  17. The games are pretty solid point and click adventure titles. They feature Eric Idle and other greats (Tony Robinson springs to mind) as the voice actors. Overall they are good solid entries into the Discworld universe.
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