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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. The media really doesn’t know how to call a white supremacist a white supremacist.
  2. I get that but they’ve been promoting the movie for 7 months and will have to restart the same promotional push again leading up to March. That’s a lot of money to spend on promotion. They are also giving up a six week IMAX run by moving it to next year. I forgot Zendaya was in this one because she was barely in pt 1 so I agree that her promoting the movie would be an important asset. I guess there’s no easy way out of this.
  3. Remember a few months ago when NAACP issued a travel advisory for Florida and someone on here argued it was politically motivated and that it’s still safe to travel here? I remember. The Florida National Socialists group has been experiencing an increase in recruitment because of the drag queen hysteria. They projected a swastika onto a building in downtown Jacksonville. My friend has seen flyers that were distributed in his neighborhood. Other hateful messages have been seen hanging from highway overpasses. This isn’t an isolated incident. It’s a growing problem and shouldn’t be ignored. In Florida, far-right groups look to seize the moment WWW.NPR.ORG A far-right group in Jacksonville, Fla., has been regularly projecting hate symbols onto downtown buildings. Groups like this...
  4. This happened like five minutes away from the school I taught at last year. Really hope none of the kids or faculty were there. Goddamn this is so heartbreaking.
  5. I’m no expert but this feels like a bad business move made out of spite and pettiness.
  6. I mean districts were already preemptively pulling books that could be complained about so as far as I know these complaints were either during or after the fact. My district banned 176 books last year, most of them featuring black and LGBT themes. When I taught middle school English I had to remove my entire classroom library to have each book evaluated.
  7. Bomb threat causes library evacuation after anti-trans activist Riley Gaines attacked it online WWW.LGBTQNATION.COM Now she's threatening to sue Pink News for reporting on it...
  8. All pets in heaven will be spayed and neutered.
  9. For my mental health I haven’t been following the GOP candidates super closely so I had to Google this to make sure it wasn’t a joke. Holy fucking shit, the party just keeps getting worse and worse.
  10. There are different degrees of horror too. I can’t fully fathom what it’s like to live in a country under late stage Nazism, but I know what it’s like to live in a country where one party is openly calling for the eradication of people like me. It’s horrifying, and what’s even more horrifying is how many people I thought were friends are willing to be silent or even downplay our fear over the use of genocidal language actively being used against us.
  11. You don’t have to completely understand what someone is feeling to have empathy. It just means you are actively trying to put yourself in their shoes. As a white person I don’t know what it’s like to experience racism but I know what it’s like to be discriminated against or feel like my life has less inherit value so I use my experience to build empathy towards other marginalized groups even if I am not part of those groups personally.
  12. He was unbanned pretty quickly after Elon bought Twitter but said he would rather post on Truth instead.
  13. I’m not sure how what I said was wrong. I said he wasn’t gonna empathize with the business owner. Has he ever shown empathy with the LGBT community after a violent attack? I’ve seen him defend SCOTUS when our rights were taken away, downplay the fears that we have over Florida, defend a business for refusing to serve gay customers, and downplay the news when the governor of Texas said he was gonna separate trans kids from their parents, but I don’t think I’ve seen him show sympathy when there’s LGBT violence or violent rhetoric being used against us.
  14. For the record I don't think SBL supports violence against LGBT people but I don't think he has empathy for us either. He recently said that it's arrogant to have empathy and I'm like no shit you think that lol
  15. My neighbor with the All Lives Matter bumper sticker claims to abhor all violence too.
  16. This is on instance in which sblfilms will not empathize with the small business owner.
  17. People are less interested in franchises than they used to. Mission Impossible was the third major movie this year to be a part one. Being upfront about it in the title no doubt hurt. Audiences are tired of this shit. Barbie and Oppenheimer are doing well for many reasons but one thing that I believe is truly helping is that they are both stand-alone movies. After the lockdowns we watched so much serialized shit that when we started returning to theaters we wanted to see movies that did what movies do best - which is to tell a complete story from beginning to end. People want that full emotional experience. Maverick was a sequel but also functioned as a stand-alone movie that could be watched without seeing the first. The movie did well because it is such a satisfying experience from a storytelling perspective. The whole third act is thrilling and is paying off all the themes that were set up in the first two acts. It was a full emotional experience and many viewers came back again and again. You don't get that from a part one, or a movie that is more concerned with setting up future entries. Audiences want movies to function like movies again, not like a long running television show.
  18. I know you still hate me but Happy Birthday!
  19. That’s why I’m bi and love talking to lesbians.
  20. I have a friend in Colorado that I'm planning to move in with next year, if all goes well. Colorado is one of the few states to have legislation that explicitly protects trans people, plus it's gorgeous as hell. Would be a huge step up for me.
  21. I'm a private person so I'm generally hesitant to report anything but I'm open to it in this case. Couldn't hurt to at least talk to someone so I have an idea of how this story would be covered.
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