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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Yeah, the animation has really come a long way. It was always stylish but they've really upped it.
  2. I'm watching it, I just don't have much to say. The show still makes me chuckle, but it's suffering from Simpsons syndrome; it used to be a parody of spy schtick, then it pivoted to other genres, now it's just lampooning itself. Lots of people have regressed back to their early season selves. Archer doesn't have a disability anymore, Cyril is an insecure wimp again, Pam is in love (this is fine of course, but she hasn't been insecure about being worthy of love since season 1). The bait and switch with Ray's loyalty didn't work at all. Archer in therapy could have been interesting but ultimately kinda fizzled. Etc. I get that not every episode can be Stage 2, but it's still a shadow of itself.
  3. Haven't almost... all the DCEU heroes killed people at this point? I would imagine Blacadam has a higher body count, but Wonder Woman clicks a shitload of heads in the Snyder Cut, so...
  4. That’s completely reasonable! I’d also expect a contractor to know what they’re getting offered for their work / the terms of the agreement they reviewed. I doubt we’ll ever “know” definitively.
  5. I think a publisher BSing an offer and presenting it to gaming journalists is at least as likely as a voice actor getting offered short shrift for their work, given that the Bloomberg article suggests that $4K would be in line with other offers for gigs on bigger titles. She has very little reason to be dishonest, Platinum does. I don't have a dog in this fight, I simply find the company line less believable.
  6. With companies like Apple hedging against China by starting to assemble tech products in Thailand and India, I can't imagine it's going to be long before other companies do the same. I'd imagine this is going to "get worse" sooner rather than later.
  7. The battery in this thing had better be hydrogen cells or a nuclear core.
  8. $200 is spicier than I was expecting. Hmm...
  9. As always, everything about baseball is better when Yankee fans are miserable.
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