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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. You cannot post Nazi shit in Germany without being moderated. The platforms have the tools and ability to monitor their platforms, they just don’t unless they’re legally required to.
  2. Unregulated social media is decidedly not fine. Fake news and bullshit spread on twitter at a dramatically faster rate than chain emails ever did. Women get harassed on social media to a much larger degree on social media than they do and did over email. The list goes on and on. Facebook has 700 million more users than Twitter, it’s decidedly the most important social media platform. The way you and I use twitter to consume news makes it much better for that purpose, but the way most people interact with Facebook make it the most relevant platform in terms of the influence of stuff like fake news.
  3. ESB has weapon continuity errors between takes that would change the end of the movie somewhat dramatically. This shit just doesn’t matter.
  4. I've been playing a lot of Hitman and I think this is the way to go, if 47 shows up and I'm going to die in the toilet, might as well be potable in there.
  5. Trump’s legal team won’t be ready by February 2022, but regardless, yes, start this thing tomorrow.
  6. Spent one night on a sub par mattress, could happen to anyone.
  7. It’s not a huge technical blunder, that’s the point. I appreciate that what is seen cannot be unseen here and everywhere but this truly doesn’t matter at all and pretending that it does is strange. It’s like insisting that the face scanner in Mando make any kind of technical sense. Would it make that scene better? Yeah, probably. But the important thing is that Mando took off his mask, that’s what matters. Would that scene in TLJ be better without that goof? Yeah, sure. Is that scene still exciting, visually interesting, and compelling for the characters? Yes, and that’s the thing that matters the most.
  8. This is undeniably true. None of this shit matters. The Princess Bride has one of the most fun sword fights of all time and while none of the weapons disappear, the whole fight is riddled with moments where someone does something that leaves them wide open to a killing blow from the other person. It just doesn’t matter at all as long as the rule of cool is obeyed.
  9. If Ted Cruz was on fire and me taking a shit on him was the only way to extinguish the flames... well I thought there'd be a punchline there but goddamn if that isn't a conundrum.
  10. This is already happening in the new canon to an extent as well. Some of the stuff revealed about Poe in TRoS doesn’t fit well with the comics about him, The Mandalorian contradicts some of the stuff said about Cobb Vanth in the books, etc.
  11. I’ve only played the co-op with my BIL, but it’s been fun so far. They’ve done a decent job of having the 2 different players have different things to do throughout the missions. I’ve not touched the single player at all, so I dunno how the co-op and single player compare, how much co-op content there is, etc., but I’ve enjoyed my time with it.
  12. So far in 2021 I’ve washed the Spider-Man remaster on the PS5, dabbled in Miles Morales, played some Wargroove co-op (which has been pretty rad), and am dipping back into Hitman 2 before I transfer all my saves / unlocks into Hitman 3.
  13. Paul Ryan is one of the truly great cowards of our time.
  14. “Dear Sleepy Joe, I replaced every pillow in the joint with a MyPillow. I love Hispanics, DONALD TRUMP”
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