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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. Why not? I have hundreds of games I own on Xbox that I still need to play through. I know I will be buying an Xbox Series X at some point, whether it would've been at launch or sometime after. If my choice is, do I want it at launch or can I wait for some bigger new next gen games to drop, the fact it can play mu full library of current Xbox One games, and play them better than they play on my Xbox One, why is that not an added selling point? When I bought my PC with a 2080ti, it's not like I didn't also buy it to improve the performance of all my existing games I was currently playing or needed to play on PC. Sure I also got it so that I can play future games with better performance, but I also loved I got better performance out of all the current library of games I had as well. I don't get this Console Gamer mentality of, who cares about he hundreds of amazing old games I invested in and still need to play. Let's not allow the fact this new console can play those old games with added HDR, better load times, and possibly better resolutions and frame rates than my current Xbox One X to be a factor in my decision to buy this new Console.
  2. Didn't Bungie say the fact Activision made them do exclusive content for one platform over the others was a big reason they wanted to kill that deal and start operating independently. And that was all timed exclusivity, not straight up locking other platforms out of content permanently for the same product. I doubt Crystal Dynamics wants to do this shit, but Square Enix and Sony have been tight for years. They better hope this game nails the gameplay, cause otherwise I can see this game dying quick cause 2 of the 3 platforms already have a bad taste in their mouth for it.
  3. I already said if the beta doesn't blow me away I'm out til a price drop.
  4. With this gen, if you are a console only gamer, Xbox's Back Comparability features at least make it worth while to invest if you have a sizable back log on Xbox. I have hundreds of games I still want to play from this gen that I haven't, and with the added HDR and their work to increase resolution and framerates of other games, it still makes sense for me to get the Series X at launch.
  5. The fact it doesn't have Cross Play at launch makes me think the fact Sony has this exclusive content is the main reason we don't have it. Destiny 2 didn't offer cross save until they got out from under Activision's exclusivity deals with Sony as well. I don't care about the Spiderman character specifically, but if it's blocking cross platform play from happening, which for a Games as a Service Multiplayer Co-op Game in 2020, should be a standard thing at this point, it's bullshit and a reason I'm thinking of canceling my Pre-Order.
  6. Halo's original gameplay was a more open larger scale Multiplayer anyways, so it really lends itself perfectly for BR. It has the Vehicles that were already pretty well balanced for Multiplayer modes. The rechargeable Shield mechanic also would lend itself well for a BR. I know I've said this a lot, and with the Single player being a Game as a Service, but I hope they go for the Live Events stuff in their game. I try to make it to all of Fortnites Live Events even if I don't really play the game much, as they are always fun to experience and be a part of. If a game I actually care about could pull off those same type of Live Events to progress their games stories, maps, characters, ect. I'd really love to see it done. Destiny recently tried its first, and it wasn't the best, but I like that they tried something. I am hoping Halo does something like this.
  7. I think they will go the Fortnite/Apex/Warzone model. All of those revolve around a BR though, and as of now, there are rumors of a BR, but nothing confirmed. I think for Halo Multiplayer to have long legs, they need a BR for the F2P model to work well. CoD always sells huge, but Warzone really brought it to life and made it really blow up, at least with all my friends who game that largely only play BR's now for Multiplayer. They will have their seasonal Battle Pass for $10 with emotes/skins/armors and whatever else they throw in. Then probably a rotating daily store with other Cosmetics. I don't mind these at all, as the Battle Pass's are generally set up so that if you buy it once, it pays itself off with rewards and actually gives you $5 more in rewards than what you spent on it. Allowing you to buy next seasons pass with the $ made back with a little extra to spend on a different skin.
  8. My backlog says I don't mind if it's delayed. Just delay Cyerpunk 2077 until the next gen versions are ready and launch them all together next year.
  9. If the beta doesn't blow me away, something like this will have me more than likely cancelling my preorder and waiting for a price drop.
  10. Cost of customer acquisition. They aren't concerned with short term profits but growth for the first few years. Netflix always lost money while they were focused on growth. If they can get somewhere in the 30-50 million sub range, all paying on avg $10-15 a month, they will be making money. Think about it, if a 1st Party great game sells like 10 million copies selling at $60, they pull in $600 million at best each time they have a huge huge selling game like that from 1st party. And that's assuming its selling at full price and digitally where they keep 100% of the sale. If Microsoft can get to even 30 million subs at $10.00 per month, that's $300 million in revenue monthly. It'd take 2 months to pull in the same revenue as a 10 million best selling game. Microsoft by most accounts is nearly at 15 million subs right now, and granted plenty might be on introductory offers, but they also haven't had the strongest 1st Party Production in quite awhile. If they can strengthen that up and start offering really high quality exclusive content regularly, and continue to grow subs, I think it could potentially become a huge success for Microsoft.
  11. New Microsoft store details. Hopefully coming to Windows 10 too. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/08/03/new-microsoft-store-coming-to-xbox-insiders/?ocid=Evergreen_soc_omc_xbo_tw_Photo_lrn_8.3.1
  12. I'd suggest just focusing the main story content. It's well done and if you stick with the main plot and main side missions, not a very long game at all actually.
  13. They've shown some new content. Id assume a rerelease will be next gen updates along with a big expansion in story and content.
  14. I haven't played Halo Wars 2 yet, but I think it's explained there. I don't know any of the Halo story through books though so not sure if there was more in there.
  15. https://blog.bioware.com/2020/07/31/anthem-update-loot-equipment-goals/ It's not dead yet!
  16. https://clips.twitch.tv/PatientFragileCheeseBuddhaBar A clip of my 30 story Tower. I wonder if there is a max height for a base.
  17. Some additional news - Double Fines next project will be new IP. Many thought they may be tasked with making a new Banjo or Conker. Playground Games is 2 teams I believe, with one still working on Forza Horizon series. Compulsion when bought was roughly a 45 person team, they are currently at 100 people, and just moved into a new office space to accommodate up to 120 people. Rare is still working on Sea of Thieves as well, as it recently sold over a million copies on its Steam release, and over 500k monthly active users. I think SoT will be supported for a long time. As you said, this list may not get everyone super excited as many of these studios were smaller AA teams. Many of the smaller teams, like inXile/Ninja Theory/Obsidian have proven to be quality developers, putting out pretty high quality games with very limited resources and team sizes. I haven't played an inXile Game yet, but I'm going to try to play their earlier stuff to get a better idea of their style of game. Compulsion hasn't made anything that has been rated high yet, and I haven't played either Contrast or We Happy Few yet to have any opinion. I have played a few of Double Fines games over the years, but they are such an odd developer hat does such unique things, it's hard to know what to expect from their next project. I do look forward to playing Pyschonauts finally before the 2nd one releases. There were also rumors that Coalition may have a 2nd team as well working on a 2nd game. Either way, I think it should be fun and interesting to see how these studios come along over the course of this next Gen.
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