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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. The paper work is a bottleneck. My first dose had 3 pages and the second was two pages. North Carolina isn't taking insurance so it was just demographic and health information. No ones going to read that so why bother. Taking a picture of your ID should be good enough.
  2. Marines absolutely, that said there isn't really an reason why the Navy and Air Force can't get together and have a carrier variant and a stripped down Air Force variant.
  3. If an F-16 is in a dog fight with an A-10 then the F-16 pilot forgot where the throttle is. The F-35s problem is it's a nightmare to upgrade or integrate new weapons. Lockheed proprietary'ed the shit out of everything, including the software, which makes changing anything a disaster. The contract gave Lockheed way too much control. The current 4th generation fighters (F-16s, Super Hornets) are all excellent multirole aircraft, so it is possible. Supposedly the Air Force has already flown it's 6th generation NGAD fighter (no one really knows what 6th gen means) that's open architecture and the Navy is moving on it's 6th gen Hornet replacement (both seem to be heavy fighters to get F-14/F-15 ranges and weapons capacity) . Another issue is the requirement that the Air Force treat the Air Guard as equals, meaning they get F-35s too. My guess is this new 5th/4th gen light fighter is for the Air Guard.
  4. First the Littoral Combat Ship, now F-35.... DoD is finally exorcising the ghosts of Rumsfeld. Bring on the Digital Century series fighter.
  5. Dose 2 kicked my girlfriend's ass, severe chills the night after the shot, fever, body aches. She felt slightly better the next day then I felt run down, so we basically just slept all day yesterday. Both fine as of this morning.
  6. Now that I've got the vaccine, and can have caregivers without dying, my girlfriend and I are going to start apartment or house hunting. We should hear in a few weeks about her job situation then decide where.
  7. Second dose in, didn't wait the 15 minutes though, some bastard decided to take his mask off in the middle of the waiting area and start coughing. Everyone in my house is now fully vaccinated. My parents got it because they are over 65 and registered as my back up caregivers, my girlfriend got it since she's my primary caregiver during COVID, and I got it by, well, nevermind.
  8. https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/coronavirus/article_bdc74598-7161-11eb-8c5b-93de4cb067cf.html?fbclid=IwAR2McISb36tYdYlHJ-HyMQZxYzU3DuC7RssJblg61nS6EYtAnGN9NHagaX4 Deploying Navy and Marine units are as high as 80-90% acceptance. One possible reason is to avoid quarantine.
  9. Doing better than Nursing Home Staff #AbolishNursingHomes: "Early reports suggest nursing home residents are getting vaccinated at a higher rate than workers. A CDC analysis of more than 11,000 long-term care facilities found that in the first month of vaccinations, about 78% of residents got at least one dose, but only 38% of staffers did." Vaccine Hesitancy vs. Vaccine Refusal: Nursing Home Staffers Say There’s a Difference | Kaiser Health News KHN.ORG It’s becoming increasingly clear that decision-making about the covid vaccine is complicated and multifaceted, which means persuading people to say yes will be, too.
  10. My girlfriend and I get our second dose on Saturday, both my parents have had their second doses already. New variants notwithstanding, we will be out of covid mode, kind of, on March 6th.
  11. Big thread in an SMA Facebook Group I'm in about the vaccine. So many refusing it, holy shit. Most common reason is lack of research, from the community who also take drugs that were tested on less than 200 people....
  12. This happens with SSI all the time, every month I would get a new bill saying I was overpaid or underpaid because they went back two months to guess my future disability check. It then takes three months for them to process the check you send them. If TANF is as much of a mess as US disability programs, then nuke it from orbit. Sometimes you can't fix this programs and you're better off just starting over, we've been trying to fix the disability system for decades and managed to only make it even more of a cluster fuck. Excuse me while I go to report my income on social security's broken website and then make room in my bank account so I don't dare go over $2,000 on the first of the month even though I get paid from my job on the 31st, better do it early though because it takes 7 days to transfer the money to my able account. Also can't lose those disability expense receipts, or that random IRS audit of my able account will terminate Medicaid on me.
  13. I'm honestly mixed on this. On one hand I get teachers want it and having them high on the priority list makes strategic sense. At the same time it feels like another slap in the face to people with disabilities who've had to undergo the the hardest quarantine while living in constant fear that their caregiver is going to give them COVID (big up tick in the last month of people with SMA on Facebook Groups getting COVID, all mild thankfully). In North Carolina people with disabilities went from 1a down to priority 4, then an NC county decided to start dosing prisoners and teachers. It just adds to the feeling this is never going to end because your slot keeps slipping. The result is a lot of people with disabilities are now saying screw it and jumping the line one way or another.
  14. Nuking the filibuster, doubling the size of the house, and banning gerrymandering is the only way to end this.
  15. Both NASA and the Air Force are putting money into Starship, if needed I'm sure they would step in to intervene against the FAA. It is too big of a game changer for bureaucracy to get in the way.
  16. Was there an investigation every time Falcon 9 crashed on landing back in the day? Because that rocket crashed a lot.
  17. Holding, someone violated the range perimeter, Deputies are removing them.
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