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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Army vets cosplaying as Iraqis civilians offering to turn over 'insurgents' to the DC National Guard in exchange for free stuff. From Reddit: “I have information on a corrupt official, I my cousin and his militia will aid you in his arrest but we require a generator and some of those sweet Oakley sunglasses before I help you.”
  2. Agreed, but there also needs to be room for some common sense, homeboy rolls up in a power wheelchair, is clearly a functional quad with 19% lung capacity, should be able to get the vaccine next to the 65 year who just ran a triathlon. Will that be abused, yes, but there is no such thing as a wasted dose at the end of the day, unless you throw it out.
  3. I'm super biased, because I'm crazy high risk but somehow am low priority, but if they goal is to take pressure off hospitals, yes. The logistics though are proving it to be a cluster fuck, so just getting to CVS and letting it be a free for all is probably better.
  4. North Carolina has changed the prioritization 3 times now, now only 65 and older plus all healthcare workers can get it. They ignored CDC guidance on those with high risk. The Governor, who normally doesn't suck, left it to all 100 counties to figure out distribution and built a broke portal to track how the counties are doing and if they more vaccine. My county has taken 2 weeks to dose less than a thousand people. Every non essential county employee is now working the call center they setup. Supposedly next week they are letting local doctor office's give the vaccine, hopefully that'll speed it up.
  5. Soo, if they go through all the objections, they won't be done until tonight, and the MAGAs have been drinking since dawn.... Tonight is going to be great, Oh and only Trump can call out the DC Guard.
  6. And it looks like North Carolina new priority system moved me from 1a or 1b to phase 2 group 2. I'm now behind literally everyone over 65 and essential workers over 50. Home based Long Term Care completely ignored.
  7. God this is frustrating, even though I'm in the 1a COVID vaccine prior, I can't find a county health department with any available. I've called 6 counties.
  8. Audio: Trump berates Ga. secretary of state, urges him to ‘find’ votes - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM In a one-hour phone call on Saturday with Georgia election officials, President Trump insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences if the officials did not act. These are excerpts from the call. ^lol
  9. The Chief Master Sergeant of Space Force has been on r/spaceforce to ask for suggestions on stuff. Renaming Air Force Space Wings to "Deltas" was a reddit thing.
  10. Just found out since I get home care I can get the vaccine in late January. Director of my County Health Department called me personally after I emailed them to discuss (turns out we were in the same grad school program). Thank god.
  11. Welp, my mom, who's my main caretaker, went in 5 days ago for an EKG (she had a mild heart attack 4 years) and got exposed to COVID by the nurse doing the EKG. Thankfully my girlfriend is back so we're holed up in the Guest House waiting for test results. No one has symptoms.
  12. I'm officially done with spinal injections, just took the oral replacement. $931 a day.
  13. Honestly Biden was probably the worst on disability issues, not only weak policy but there were a few moments with disabled activists that REALLY pissed off the community (talked to one like he was retarded). He's miles better than Trump but Bernie grew the most going from completely ignoring us in 2016 to a 2020 disability agenda that I cried reading. The disabled community has a big agenda and wants to put some issues to bed, Marriage equality and Medicaid waiting lists are the big ones we want from Biden.
  14. A lot of the focus is actually on people with disabilities who want to work, but are limited not by their disability but by eligibility requirements to keep Medicaid. Medicaid is the only thing that pays for Long Term Care and a promotion could terminate eligibility. I have to be super careful I'm not a penny over $2,000 on the 1st of every month or I could lose Medicaid.
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