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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Frank Luntz's focus group is proving democracy is a bad idea. These people are idiots.
  2. Biden shouldn't have done this debate, he had nothing to gain.
  3. But swap Trump with a Tom Cotton in 24 and my guess is they come home to the GOP. That's the long term issue with Biden's strategy, his coalition collapses the second he wins.
  4. Wouldn't this make Medicare for All the only viable healthcare plan?
  5. Make DC and PR states would be more impactful in the long term and can't be as easily countered.
  6. RBG gave me the right to not be forced into a nursing home. http://en.wikipedia.org//static/favicon/wikipedia.ico Olmstead v. L.C. - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  7. The nursing home spread should have been evidence enough that it doesn't work. I'm lucky I've got retired parents and a work from home girlfriend to help me with my care, but everyday I see disabled people panic because they saw their aides in a bar on instagram. Thankfully my sub community has been pretty lucky dodging it but this shit isn't healthy.
  8. Bahaha, private boats are showing up in the recovery area and interfering with the recovery operations.
  9. Demo 2 capsule (the one up there now) and the booster for Crew 1 (in September) will be reused for Crew 2 (late 2021).
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