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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Raleigh has housing? A family friend in Raleigh just sold their house after getting 17 offers, winning bid threw in NFL season tickets.
  2. The troops that were pulled weren't holding Kabul AFAIK, they were most at Bagram. Once the government collapsed, it took 7 infantry battalions (plus the Turks and Brits) to hold the airport. Preventing looting in Kabul would have taken WAY more and without the perimeter to keep suicide bombers back. The only thing I think that could have been done differently was using Bagram as leverage. Tell the Taliban that we'll be finished when we're finished or we'll retake Bagram and keep it indefinitely (look at all the pressure our President is under on CNN).
  3. The long term success of my relationship is very much contingent on this bill passing, very weird feeling.
  4. My insurance pays (post negotiation) $368k for a drug that wholesales for $125k from the drug company. Medicaid only pays $135k.
  5. Cool, but how are we cripples supposed to pay the forgiveness income tax when we're on SSI making $794 a month and limited to $2,000 in assets? Can't wait to read in my disability facebook groups how some dumb fuck social worker rules that this now makes them ineligible for home care because of income. Disabled poverty is a 110% a choice that's written into federal and state law.
  6. Well this fucking awful if true.... Afghanistan: Desperate women throw babies over razor wire at compound, asking British soldiers to take them NEWS.SKY.COM As every day passes, the relief operation gets more and more urgent and desperate, as the British military tries to move thousands of people out of Afghanistan in just days.
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