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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Phillip wasn't a prince at first, he only got that years later. He had to denounce all his Greek titles before getting married.
  2. Very disappointed Meghan Markle didn't pull a US and UK royal coup and declare herself: Queen Meghan I, First of Her Name, by the Grace of God Queen of the Americas, Grand Admiral of the Royal American Navy, Duchess of Wallington, Duchess of Manhattan, Duchess of Long Island, Countess of Orange, Countess of O'ahu, Marquis of New Orleans, Baroness of Springfield, Baroness of Hollywood, Baroness of Central Park, Grand Socialite, Protector of Liberty, Northwest Vanguard of Alaska, Avenger of the Boston Tea Party, Terror of Washington D.C.
  3. Existing ones sure, but if you NFA new ones the existing supply goes up in value beyond what most people will pay/sell.
  4. The left needs to remember the shit show that was the 90s assault weapon ban, it just created a market for loopholes that were objectively stupid. Stupid gun laws fuel the NRA and the right. The legal difference between an AR-15, AR-15 pistol, and an AR-15 SBR is literally just barrel length and if it has a stock or not. Exact same gun, 3 very different regulator standards. In my opinion the left should just focus on making magazines over X capability an NFA item like suppressors, SBRs, and full autos. That's it, keep it simple. Don't get into the weeds of this or that gun. There are a ton of stupid gun laws on the books that could be traded away in exchange for NFAing magazines over X, assuming you can make that kind of a deal with the GOP.
  5. NC Legislature is jamming through a 12 week abortion ban this week. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article275014841.html
  6. The Russian Army's command structure will never not hurt my head. It's like US Southern Command being responsible for a sector of the Iraq invasion. They want to make themselves look huge by putting 2 divisions under field armies then they have to make up a bunch of higher level HQs and bring in the District HQs to command the whole thing.
  7. North Carolina is wild. We've got a Governor with extremely limited powers, a court that isn't interested, and a legislature that basically runs the state.
  8. I know a lot of Tarkov streamers are looking for an alternative (to the point a huge group of them are just playing Minecraft together now because of how broken Tarkov is) if this was MP it might be it.
  9. Money, but also I think at this point it is just him seeing how far he can push it. Like does he actually have the influence to get the US to actually invade Canada.
  10. Why ‘kicking 15 million people off Medicaid’ is a good thing THEHILL.COM After three years, states are once again verifying Medicaid eligibility for their citizens. Although some media reports are framing this as a disaster for beneficiaries, it is an opportun… Spoiler, it will not be done properly. Local Social Services offices can't properly handle routine eligibility determinations. Checking eligibility for the entire Medicaid population at once? Lol. Go after providers then. I'm pretty sure MCOs have to give the money back if it is unused. Even if it isn't, unwind reduces the pool of money for other Medicaid recipients who receive slotted/funding limited MCO services (liked Home and Community Based Services). But maybe, just maybe, Managed Care Medicaid was a stupid idea. Medicaid unwind is going to be a disaster.
  11. @CayceG new purchase? Russian T-90 Tank From Ukraine Mysteriously Appears At U.S. Truck Stop WWW.THEDRIVE.COM The tank was apparently captured by Ukraine last fall, but it is unclear how or why it ended up in Louisiana.
  12. Big Pharma has entered the chat, from their brief to the 5th Circuit: tl;dr- this ruling destroys medicine.
  13. The workforce issue is huge, but facility based care is having the exact same issue to the point where it becoming unsafe as caregiver to resident ratios explode. 12-20 residents per caregiver isn't unheard of and is extremely dangerous.
  14. My parents just rewrote their will to put everything I'd get into a 3rd party Special Needs Trust so the assets won't make me ineligible for Medicaid and that my family can themselves inherit whatever is left. Only downside is I have to have a Trustee.
  15. It isn't the only system. With a few exceptions, home and community based settings provide better quality care at a lower cost. There is this misconception that a single caregiver caring for multiple residents is cheaper than 1-1, but when you factor in the wild over head cost of facility based care, the economy of scale get lost. $5k/mo x 12mo = $60k a year. That's enough to hire multiple caregivers at a decent wage for home care. The issue with Medicaid is that HCBS is funded through a waiver system which requires the States to fund each individual waiver slot, the result being massive waiting lists for Medicaid HCBS funding (5-20 years), that system doesn't apply for facility based care (the Medicaid Institutional Bias). Even when you move up the care intensity need, HCBS is still generally cheaper (even when not, it actually is cheaper since the per resident cost for Medicaid spikes with fewer residents at that care facility/level). The problem is Medicaid can't get out of its own way to enable a fully comprehensive HCBS system. Here's an example in my state. If you've got the Intellectual Developmental Disability Medicaid waiver, it'll fund home care or Group Homes (which have very strict rules on size and community involvement), but if any part of your care requires Skilled Nursing, you have to go into an Intermediate Care Facility (a non waiver service) which has costs that are insanity. This despite the fact that Private Duty Nursing is a Medicaid non waiver service, but because stupidity (and great ICF lobbying), waiver and non waiver services can't overlap.
  16. Pretty sure I still haven't gotten it despite my dad getting it in the middle of our move. White House launches $5B program to speed covid vaccine development - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM "Project Next Gen" would succeed "Operation Warp Speed" with a mission to develop next-generation vaccines and therapies. Immunocompromised part of the disability community has been lobbying hard for this.
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