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Everything posted by eventide11

  1. I think @Phaseknox and @EternallDarkness have us all beat in that area lol. I know me and @nublood are nipping at the half century mark ourselves
  2. Good starting tips for this game? Haven't played a proper Baldur's Gate since the PS2 era. I mainly play war mage builds in RPGs if given the choice. And seems like the level of customization is gonna be bonkers
  3. Yeah really. I spent nearly an hour trying to make ALLLL those decisions on a toon lol
  4. It's very tactical, I'll say that. It's not a hack n slash but very methodical. My 4th encounter after the intro I got wrecked. But then I payed attention to my companions advice and it was a breeze. Stuff like that is gonna be all through this game if I had to guess. Larian is all about making you feel like your choices matter and it's been pretty evident early on in this game
  5. WHAAAAAAT??!! Thank you so much!! Baldur's Gate 3 PS5? Freaking love this place
  6. The Legend of Zelda Producer Has Bad News for Tears of the Kingdom Fans COMICBOOK.COM The Legend of Zelda fans can expect something brand new from the next mainline game in the series. Can't say I'm disappointed. I'm ready for the series to go another direction
  7. Definitely want one of these. Lately, handheld gaming has been my main outlet because of 3 teenage younguns snatchin up all the console time
  8. Same. Beautiful game but good lawd them frozen syrup controls. I would end up losing the fight with the controls after 30-40 minutes and play Sekiro or wash dishes or something
  9. Destiny for me got to be a slot machine for regurgitated content. I'm not surprised people stopped supporting the ONE game they worked mainly on
  10. Yeah, I have no willpower at all lol. I'll probably enjoy moments in the game like I did with GTA5. It was just the trailer.. Idk it didn't make me excited for it
  11. I guess I view it like some view the Soulsborne games. While they review, look and play really well, they just aren't for everyone because they don't have the same appeal they have for some (or they're too hard). It'll be a massive hit, widely played and popular for the next 15 years. They don't need my support
  12. I like the idea of the protagonists. Just wasn't wowed by the trailer. Looked like more of the same in the Bahamas or Miami. But GTA is so hugely popuar people will lap it up no matter what
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