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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. So far, only many. The amount is subject to change based on future experiences.
  2. The more rich people I work under, the more I'm convinced many of them fall ass backwards into money and aren't financial whizzes.
  3. The amazing thing is, this kind of reasoning explains why, when I was in Georgia, a town in the state held its first interracial prom. Privately funded, not even sponsored by the school.
  4. This is the same argument I've heard at least as far back as the early 2000s.
  5. I guess that's the Rian Johnson trilogy. Sweet. I look forward to experiencing what his singular vision is.
  6. I'm pretty sure I still encounter a lot of people who love Avatar. Could have been an acid trip, but I know I remember this happening.
  7. I've beaten I think 3ish hordes? It's fun when you can finally defeat them, even if you have to wear them down, but I am mega looking forward to taking on a super horde. For now, fuck that. How dare you.
  8. That's a horde. You're not ready yet, and it's fine. You'll be ready eventually, but for now, those guys are demons I tells ya.
  9. I tried playing Sonic 2 on mobile. Fucking terrible. >.< Mobile controlled really blow. I just played Dead Cells, though, and it is a FANTASTIC game. After Days Gone, I fully intend on going back and getting the true ending and actual final bosses. I'm not even a big roguelite guy but I was damned impressed!
  10. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-orders-mcgahn-not-comply-congressional-subpoena-n1002846
  11. See now we have to do another podcast where we not only talk God of War, but we talk Spidey and Days Gone. In fact, let's do a Sony First Party podcast. You fuckers know I can talk by myself for two fucking hours on this shit and I can even reference my 2017 comments on Days Gone and see how close I was and then we can be like k good night.
  12. I heard one that sounded so fucking huge, I nope'd out of there before I could physically see them.
  13. Bottom right corner shows maintenance and gas. When the gas tank is yellow, start looking for a gas icon. When it's orange, start cussing as if you're Deacon. On the mini-map, it'll tell you if you can't fast travel someplace because of insufficient fuel, which should help gauge the distance you have left.
  14. Overlapping dialogue would be the biggest thing. I'll be talking to Boozer and then I'll hear, "Marauders, bunch of murderers and thieves, I can't let any of them out of here alive." The gas/maintenance isn't even a negative for me. It's not cumbersome to do, but it is a situation where they want you to feel like this is your bike, you're not just ditching it for another, and if you don't have gas, you have to change what you're doing or take a detour in potentially hostile territory. Still, despite the many glitches, I'm impressed that only 50 people were developing this game for the longest time. Bend's expanded since then, and hopefully they continue to grow.
  15. I had the same weird glitch, closed the game and opened, and it worked. Best thing to do is to tweet Bend as they're encouraging people to tweet them with glitches they encounter.
  16. That, and political reporters playing into the whole narrative about what's right/left and electable without really defining what it is.
  17. Kamala Harris Says The "Electability" Conversation Is Getting The Midwest Wrong Hillary's issue was being beaten badly in rural areas but not turning out the urban areas. Obama was able to do both. For example, this was Wisconsin in 2008 and 2012: It filled in some red, but he was still competitive state-wide and he still won by 7 points during his reelection. I don't get the either-or with electability. Surely there are messages and a platform that resonate with people of all colors and arguments to be made for the people who may fear that kind of change. It's already been done twice, and Clinton was able to do the same.
  18. The first game, though, and it's not the HD Collection.
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