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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. What RSF and others are saying is: More people are subscribed to Spotify, Hulu, Netflix, Sling, Vue, whatever. But many of them buy fewer DVDs/Blu-Ray, go to the movies less (ticket sales are way down from 10 - 20 years ago even as money continues to increase), don't go to Blockbuster, cut the cord on cable or satellite, buy fewer CDs/digital music, etc. The way you make it sound, people have a basic cable package, internet and many subscription services, too. I have Hulu for $5.99 a month, whereas 5 years ago I was paying around $100 for Dish. Video game expenses remain the same despite making more, so my overall entertainment expenses have decreased. I'm probably consuming more entertainment despite paying less, though. I'm just not seeing where people are paying more for "non-essential" stuff. Less. Keep in mind that 2005 was considered a down year and 2012 an up year despite the lower ticket sales for 2012. Same with 2018. The opening weekend records are getting more people, though. More people went to see Jurassic World and Dark Knight opening weekend than Jurassic Park 1 and Batman 89, for example. These are opening records by tickets sold:
  2. Face mischief would be the penultimate upvote
  3. You'll be able to speed that up. I found it incredibly helpful for grinding at the end to beat Emerald and Ruby Weapons. Since at that point I was way stronger than most of the enemies, it was great to just speed past all of the waiting.
  4. @Jason Your thread is about the Times reporting on the information that Giuliani got instead of the really shitty way he went about it. New article is about Giuliani's response. You should have bumped your thread yesterday. You got all the red pages. Now stay in the book.
  5. PS4 version has a speed-up. You click the left analog stick, I believe, and you can quickly run through areas or traverse the world map. Just remember to click again when you hit a random battle.
  6. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-lawyer-rudy-giuliani-traveling-ukraine-push-probes-democrats-nothing-1421726
  7. “There never should have been a scenario in which they had to lay down their lives, especially not ones so young who still had their whole life left to live.”
  8. Much of the dialogue looked faithful to the original, as are the enemies. Hell, I thought they were gonna show Barrett saying, "DON'T shoot while the tail's up," as fan service in the trailer for fixing that bit of dialogue.
  9. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/10/722059301/chelsea-manning-is-freed-from-jail-faces-new-subpoena-in-wikileaks-case
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/may/10/penis-extensions-dont-work-study-finds @SaysWho?
  11. There are a billion things I remember from the game. I just ain't saying them from Eggman's sake lol
  12. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/stock-market-dips-us-chinese-trade-negotiators-meet/story?id=62944486
  13. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2019/05/09/medievil-is-unearthed-october-25-2019/
  14. From Colin Moriarty: "There’s still a substantial second party game floating out there in the ether, though. People are conjecturing Ratchet, but it’s something else."
  15. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2019/05/08/2-new-playstation-vr-bundles-hit-shelves-later-this-month/ A PS VR system PlayStation Camera The latest PS VR Demo Disc, with a sampling of PS VR demos such as Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Moss, and Thumper Two PlayStation Move Motion controllers Blood & Truth Blu-Ray Disc and Everybody’s Golf VR digital game voucher* $349 A PS VR system A PlayStation Camera The latest PS VR Demo Disc, with a sampling of PS VR demos such as Astro Bots Rescue Mission, Moss, and Thumper Trover Saves the Universe! and Five Night at Freddy’s digital game vouchers** $299
  16. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2019/05/09/predator-hunting-grounds-revealed-during-state-of-play/
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