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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. When I saw a rest center that had one a hologram of one of those Horizon Zero Dawn walkers by it, I lost my shit.
  2. Ah, okay, I misread what you meant by, "ability to make a franchise," and read it as, "You need an existing IP to have the ability to make a franchise that expensive." But either way, you're right. It's honestly impressive he received that much fucking money to make that movie, especially when you look at its opening weekend gross, which was good but by no means indicative on how much money it was eventually going to make!
  3. I'll have to wait on that. I must have spent, like, 70 hours getting the true ending and playing the other DLC this year, and there's no way I'm diving back in that quickly. But it's a fun fucking game and is the one roguelite that really stuck with me. I'll definitely play it again.
  4. This is definitely true most of the time (Lord of the Rings was based on an existing IP, as one example). But sometimes you can get a ton of money to create a brand new franchise: In 2009 dollars, this was much more expensive than any ST Star Wars film. Maybe you just have to create the highest-grossing movie (at the time) in Titanic to get that kind of dough.
  5. SaysWho?

    I'm 31.

    What Slug said. I was excited to turn 30 and it's been a lot of fun. There's nothing that different mentally or physically from 29 or 30, so there was nothing to fear about it. I also look better than I did in my late 20s because I realized I've no reason to let the mentality of, "It's harder to lose weight," become reality. Yes, people get wider when they get older on average, but you don't have to settle for what you're told is "supposed" to happen to you. I feel more control than I ever did in my 20s.
  6. Bernie Sanders becomes top candidate for college students Warren's decline matches her recent decline in the polls (not necessarily permanent). I did the math, and the Democrats combined get 77.3% of the college vote to Trump's 17.3%.
  7. He argues that urban areas should count for less because so many people live in so small a place, aka he argues for an electoral college system statewide. He also inadvertently argued a good case for birth control.
  8. Speaking of which, The Verge is observing Playstation's anniversary with a host of cool articles about its history. One of them: The portable PlayStations were Sony at its most ambitious
  9. The mocking of the Huckabees and Trump never stopped, doe.
  10. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/michael-bloomberg-outspent-the-entire-democratic-field-in-tv-ads-last-week/
  11. You know what bothers me about Jabba's palace? Lando lifting down his mask. It's done as a reveal, but he doesn't need it to look at what's happening, so it's literally only down for the audience. FFFUUU-
  12. Yeah, it is really lame. My nephews want Dreams, and my brother wants to get it for them because it looks cool. Aight, that's great, but I can buy it for them for Christmas. How they run their first party apparatus is so different than how they run their online. I guess at least the storefront isn't just some basic web site stuff at the start of the PS3?
  13. Gamstat tracks everything that's added on PSN. Bless the Reset user who caught this.
  14. I actually became more impressed with him this year. Despite a misguided decision, I think, to run for president, he still understood the importance of Democratic control in states:
  15. And the multiplayer has this great sense of community. You can see some of the Souls influences with messages and words of encouragement along the way, but you can also see outlines where someone is resting and communicate with them, you're notified when people are using your roads, like, shit. Also am enjoying the influences to the world, seeing the roads built or the other porters coming back if MULES aren't present. Getting the unlocks on the Chiral Network and seeing other people's shit is honestly underappreciated from me, but it's a great reward and, again, a great sense of community to link another part of the country to the network and thus unlock help from other players.
  16. My PS4 is 2013-old and hasn't had that issue. O_______O Sounds like you're having as much fun as I expected, at least! The software is great for a new, fledgling tech. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can look up more info for you on this.
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