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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. FUCK IT, one more because the reason Republicans are blind-sided is they had this prepped this morning:
  2. He's also roped in Senator Ron Johnson, who has gone ballistic on news shows about this. Now we know why: he's also part of this. Will Giuliani, who thinks Trump is a good guy from top to bottom to the side, be thrown under the bus by Trump himself?
  3. Seeing some of these lines being compiled: “You understood that Rudy Giuliani spoke for the president, is that correct?” “That’s correct.” “If we wanted to get anything done with Ukraine it was apparent we had to talk to Rudy.” “What triggered my memory was someone’s mention of A$AP Rocky”
  4. I actually have wondered where you've been! Vital's best line remains, after the Gulf oil spill of 2010, "Man, Obama had me this entire speech but now he lost me. WE ARE ALL GULF OF MEXICANS!"
  5. In regards to if he said to Trump that Zelenskiy “loves your ass.” "That's sounds like something I would say! That's how the president and I spoke, lots of four letter words. Well, three letter words in this case."
  6. This thread proves that this board will always be my favorite place to talk current events.
  7. In case a user wasn't tuned in: Sondland says he and Rick Perryv worked with Giuliani but didn't want to. He says straight up there was a quid pro quo.
  9. Breaking News: Gordon Sondland, a key ambassador testifying today in the impeachment inquiry, kept Secretary of State Mike Pompeo updated as the Ukraine pressure campaign unfolded.
  10. The participants are: Joe Biden, former vice president Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind. Tulsi Gabbard, representative from Hawaii Kamala Harris, senator from California Amy Klobuchar, senator from Minnesota Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont Tom Steyer, billionaire business executive and activist Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts Andrew Yang, founder of Venture for America
  11. tbh, it's the way I prefer as well, but sometimes work schedules make it so difficult. Like, my g/f and I would never have crossed paths otherwise.
  12. This is from Obama's speech when he announced his presidency: And even when talking about the ethics bill he sponsored and helped get passed: Now, I know that he also made clear that we're the change we were waiting for, that we must take responsibility to make change and not just the government. But he clearly was talking about sweeping changes and an audacity to overcome the cynics and naysayers to do what needs to be done.
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