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Everything posted by Dexterryu

  1. He seems to fail to realize that while all of those franchises are good games, that they are all basically the same game of open world, climb tower, clear camp, find zone boss, repeat, repeat, repeat games. Sure, they all have good graphics and solid gameplay mechanics but when you're doing the same damn thing over and over to pad out your game length that people burn out on them.
  2. The main difference is 2015 vs 2019. The gameplay loop has been done to death by this point. I played and enjoyed Wildlands, but by the end of it I was ready for it to be over... That any of the reviews said Breakpoint is similar made me less interested until/if I feel that itch to try it again. This is one of the things that I'm really mixed on. I liked the idea of collecting intel in Wildlands and enjoyed it until the first time or two until it became a tedious exercise. For this to be much more interesting is that they needed to add some context to the intel so it wasn't just a generic series of animations and dialogue of "oh here's your next clue" or "the guy your looking for likes to hang out here" and the result being a new waypoint on your map. Give me some good clues and let me connect the dots myself vs leading me by the nose to the next fight. Maybe give me some intel to influence my tactical decisions on what loadout to bring to the fight? Just something beyond "go here next". I also completely agree here. I'd love for it to really go back to it's roots. It was a great mix of being very tactical while also being accessible. I love my RPGs but tactical shooters is not where those gameplay concepts belong. I'm glad the CEO is starting to realize that gamers want more than different skins of the same game of open world/climb towers/clear bases/find "clues" to next bad guy/level up to get skills. AC, Far Cry, Division, Ghost Recon, Watch Dogs. I have a feeling that they have a model for Single player (franchises above) and multiplayer model that is similar(Rainbow 6 / For Honor). Would it surprise anyone if Skull and Bones felt like a pirate version of Rainbow/For Honor?
  3. I understand that people feel a bit burned, but if you're really following this game and also trying out the updates you can see a few things. 1) It's definitely a real game 2) They are pushing boundaries like crazy if multiple areas 2a) The boundaries need pushed. 3) Unless you bought expensive ships, by the time the game releases you'll definitely be getting $60 worth of content. You already are if you're interested in game development at all.
  4. I'd consider double dipping for RD Online, which I have no idea if it's good or not. Not sure if I'd play through the SP again or not.
  5. I'm kinda in the same boat... I liked Wildlands even though it's still a gross bastardization of the Ghost Recon IP. That said, I can't get myself excited about this at all (or the Ubi Loop) right now. I guess I'll just kinda need to be in the mood for it and see it on sale at some point in the future. It's not that I dislike the games at all, it's just that I feel like I've been there/done that too many times at this point.
  6. I've played a fair amount of it on PC. It's a really cool concept and I had fun playing it but it also didn't really hook me. Some of the controls I found a bit frustrating, but they also fit the game really well (different atmospheres affect movement differently). Like others have said, it's Groundhogs day with a quest log that maintains it's memories. So as you go along and are at different places at different times you get more info on the story and what's going on.
  7. I'd put it on a 6 on the Ubi formula. There aren't nearly as many "towers" to climb or bases to clear. Personally I'd say it's almost a mix of Witcher 3 and something Ubi-ish. I really liked the back story of the world and exploring the ruins... they all had good story components to them and finding out what happened was why was done well. Some of the bosses toward the end were a little too tanky/spungy but they were doable. As for your concerns... 1) I don't remember the HUD much. I do think you can turn it off. 2) Crafting, outside of amo wasn't really too heavy and largely optional. Could also be done on the fly during combat if that tells you how light it is. 3) The main story and world lore were really interesting... which is where it's open world feels great vs the typical Ubi jungle island. 4) The combat is solid, particularly vs the robot dinos. Fighting other people was pretty standard fare, not great but not bad either.
  8. Same for me on Hollow Knight. Tried really hard to like it but it just didn't click. Sundered & Ori and the Blind Forest are great options if you're looking for that sort of game.
  9. It's also still one of the (if not THE) originators of the modern FPS with regenerating health model. Not that health regenerated but the shield did. Prior to that, it was all a % of health and the only way to get back up was to get a health pack. The model allowed for both the player and the enemies(elites) to be spungy when necessary while also very weak without the shield. It was one of the first person shooters to adopt a checkpoint system vs save anywhere(which has damn near disappeared). It also has solid enemy AI even by todays standards. So one of the reasons Halo:CE stands up so well is that pioneered many of the mechanics that modern shooters still employ.
  10. Yep... and I hope it's more along the lines of a 2080 personally. The point I'm trying to make is that both 1080 and 2080 can both produce some damn good graphics if set as the absolute minimum baseline. As in, the games we're seeing now are mostly developed to achieve 1080p / 30fps on a GTX750/760 since the base Xbox One and PS4 are the base specs all developers have to optimize for. So even if it only ends up being ~= to a 1080 that's still a huge jump.
  11. This is the reality of almost any large corporation. There are almost always conflicts of interests across many levels: 1) Do we invest in the company/employees or maximize profits 2) Do we try something new or bank on existing performers 3) You have people that genuinely care about their work and products vs those that are ladder climbers. 4) There is almost always a conflict of voice between the ladder climbers & those that want to make the product. 5) You have the 80/20 rule... 80% of the people working don't care and just do the minimum/half ass and 20% who bust ass and do 80% of the work. These are all things that tend to infest large companies in addition to often large egos of certain creative types. The thing is, for us as gamers and direct consumers of their products you can often see these conflicts come through in what they make because we're basically playing through many of the decisions they made. Compare that to hardware products where they might just not be as performant in a given iteration. Naturally, there are exceptions. Sometimes leaders listen to the passionate voices vs the ladder climbers. Sometimes a company gets to enjoy a transformative leader that has the passion of a fan (at the moment, Phil Spencer comes to mind with how he turned around Xbox One and putting Xbox games on PC).
  12. Current gen at release in 2013 was ~ equivalent to the previous gen nvidia x80 GPU. So this seems about right. Even though it's a little dated it's still a lot of power to give devs as an across the board standard to optimize to.
  13. You were commenting on a previous post of mine where I said I maintain my own wishlist... (http://www.cheapshark.com/ & https://camelcamelcamel.com/) in reference to maintaining my own list for games that I want to purchase at sale price-points. Yes, steam has this feature and I do use it. But I also maintain my own that covers all platforms in one place so having another vendor isn't really a big deal.
  14. So I must have missed that feature of Steam where it lets me maintain a list of PS4 / Switch exclusive games....
  15. I may look at games & prices a little differently than most people. When I see previews/reviews of a game I sort of decide if I want the game at all and how much I'd pay for it. The vast majority of the time I won't play full price regardless of platform or store. So I put them on a wishlist or on a list I maintain myself (which covers PS4/Xbox stuff too) and I wait until they are the price I'd want. Another area or group of areas that I really don't care that much about. I definitely think they're valid for those that do but I'm just not one of them. To me, steam is a store, a downloader, and a friends list. Due to poorly policed review bombs, I don't put a lot of stock in steams user reviews. So I go to reddit for those (and forums). Again, not saying these things aren't valuable features just not something that I use much so they don't sway me in where I decide to purchase games. All things being equal I default to buying on steam unless there is a vendor that benefits the developer most. So when CDPR releases a game I want I get it on GOG.
  16. I like steam, but if they don't have the best price or the games I want I just get them from the place that does. I don't understand why people are so upset about a store that anyone can use having exclusive rights to sell a game is a big deal. The games are the same either way.
  17. Purchased about 20 on sale VR games for my Index (that I won't have for a while yet). Here's the list... For those with Headset's what are other on sale must haves: Purchased: In Death Elven Assassin Audioshield Pirate Trainer Gunclob Arizona Sunshine Superhot Runesage Form Raw Data Ocean Rift BoxVR Gorn.
  18. My bet is that he just sees the transition happening to more streamed gamed occurring over this next generation. Once that happens hardware becomes fairly moot.
  19. I don't think you're looking at all the facts and technology progress. For instance, I agree with the sentiment of people owning something but also early on it was the same... people wanted "dvd" quality at the time and didn't think streaming could deliver it. As we all know a little time and technology progress and now it far exceeds it. Now most people prefer it. The same will likely be true of game streaming. Physical media for films (non-compressed 4k blu ray) is still the best, but for most people streaming 4k60hz content off of youtube is damn near indistinguishable. As for satelites, you're a little off the mark here. Current satellite technology does in fact introduce a lot of lag. That's because of the distance of the satellite orbit (very high) and the fact that your backhaul is back down and across wires. The Starlink and OneWeb satelites are going to be much lower orbit and use laser connections between them as their backbone/backhaul. This is actually testing out to be faster than fiber: https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2018/11/spacex-low-latency-starlink-satellite-network-will-be-massively-profitable.html With the majority of hosting moving to massive AWS / Azure / GCP datacenters scattered across the world latency is going to drop significantly due to the combination of data gravity (data being on extremely fast SSD arrays near directly attached to storage) and laser based satellite backbones. The stuff that clouds can deliver are already outperforming almost anything you can build in a datacenter. It only gets faster once you move client processing (aka streaming) to be hosted along with the server processing.
  20. People preferred DVDs and disks for TV and movies until Netflix streaming took over. The same will happen with games. In several years when practically the whole globe will be covered in low orbit high speed/low latency satellite internet much of the lag, bandwidth, and availability will be solved. I love putting together my own top end PC rig but just streaming whatever I want, whenever I want and always playing at max settings is going to be damn nice. No patching, no compatibility, no closed networks or exclusives. Just subscribe to the games/devs etc... that you want and you can play. All of these are good things.
  21. Efficiency really isn't part of it... it's that there are events that happen in the loop that have nothing to do with you and therefore occur at exactly the same time every loop. So it's not having a 22 minute time limit but more about picking up clues(which are kept in a loop-resistant log) that lead you where & when to be at a particular place. When you figure them out, it's very rewarding. You can get to the farthest planet within about a minute. So there is plenty of time to get anywhere if you know where & when to be there.
  22. Mine too. It was just the right mix of survival... no dying of thirst/hunger in 10 minutes but tons of incentive to scavenge. Most encounters completely manageable but deadly if you made a mistake.
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