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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. This is going to wind up being some Project Veritas thing where they thought US press would run with this story and the only one that failed the test were the idiots at the Guardian and some dorks on social media.
  2. Eh...I played a lot of games with the Steam controller and the face buttons were...less than ideal. Valve prioritized the touchpads so much that it left the face buttons tinier than I would have preferred. That's my biggest concern with this one coupled with how close to the edge they seem to be. Valve designs their gamepads as though we should have both thumbs on the analog sticks at all times.
  3. That's amazing. I had jumped on the baking bandwagon and gained a bunch of weight because of it that I still haven't shed. Maybe gardening would have been better for me.
  4. They should have just gone with an Android fork and set this up as a pure streaming device with WiFi6. They probably could have saved some battery life going ARM, too. My bigger concern here is the button layout. Valve really likes their touchpads, but those face buttons look wildly close to the edge device. I swear, that B actually looks like it's going over the edge.
  5. We, apparently, might also get Loki a lot sooner with the next Dr Strange. That's going to be a very big cast with Wanda, Mordo, America Chavez, and whoever Bruce Campbell is playing.
  6. I'm obviously exaggerating, but still not really. There are a LOT of storylines time was spent on that we don't have answers for yet. We may be talking about not getting any of these answers until after Ant-Man, so spring/summer 2023. If we get a second season sooner than that, I will be pleasantly surprised. Either way, let's see, we still need to find out what happened to Loki's previous reality as we know that Marvel didn't just wipe out the existing MCU. That means we need answers for where Renslayer went and what became of Mobius and B-15's takeover of the TVA. We need to find out what happened to Silvie and what kind of person this new Kang is. Thinking about Kang, what of Miss Minutes? She seemed to have some really important files to deliver to Renslayer. Was this Kang being honest or did he gave some plan to set in motion because he assumed he would be killed here? There's too much comic history between Kang and Renslayer to just brush off the fact that his last actions before dying was to have Miss Minutes deliver those files. Since there's so much investment in the previous TVA, that also means we need to find out who this be Mobius and B-15 are. I should also point out that Tara Strong already hinted at Miss Minutes' greater purpose and background. I mean, Miss Minutes is a sentient, time and dimension hopping AI floating thing. What's her deal? Thinking about AIs, why was the TVA afraid of robots or was that just a two off gag? Since the question was asked a few times out loud, what was Sylvie's nexus event and what caused Loki and Silvie's nexus event on that doomed planet? Was that just Kang creating the nexus event in this instance specifically so the TVA could rescue them since they were supposed to reach him? Also, why was Silvie so against the Loki name? Thinking about variants, is that the end for the Loki variants at the end of time? I'd assume not, but it also might not really matter if kid Loki and alligator Loki are content to just chill in a bunker and eat a few hands here and there. Is everything cool with Alioth? It has a bit of history within the comics. Is that going to be explored? Silvie needed Loki's help to charm it and now he's not there. In a short run series like Loki, it's usually safe to assume that all time spent is spent for a good reason. For instance, we know there was a fight between frog Thor and Loki that was filmed, voiced, and cut. If that's all true then we spent a good amount of time on a lot of ideas and stories that were never answered.
  7. The season fells like it just ends abruptly because it's not a real season ending cliffhanger. In a normal world, this would be more of a mid-season cliffhanger while the series went on a short break. Like I said before, there's way too much shit up in the air and expecting folks to remember it all a year, year and a half, is a lot to ask for. Half of next season's runtime is going to be recaps.
  8. This much exposition would have been fine if this were the penultimate episode. Really not as a season finale.
  9. I so loved Coco. It's Pixar's best movie since Inside Out. Moana is easily Disney best CG musical.
  10. Different Kangs seen to go about things differently. The current TVA the series end on works directly for Kang, so this Kang might have just not liked the attention and orchestrated the whole Time Keepers story to keep himself or of the spotlight. He didn't come across as ask that motivated. I don't think this Kang cares about what happens in the universes, rather he may only care about the events that will lead to the rise of another Kang. Now, how do we get a Kang because some rando just happened to go to work late one day? Who knows, but I guess we have a whole Ashton Kutcher movie about that.
  11. I didn't realize stimulus adjustment checks were still going out. I'm am certainly not going to complain about the IRS dropping $1400 in my account out of nowhere.
  12. This series absolutely changes the status quo and it's the first series to really kick off the multiverse events we'll see in Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and Dr Strange. Granted, for non-Disney+ subscribers this isn't exactly a difficult concept to explain, so I have a feeling Loki just winds up being a backstory, but nothing actually necessary in the grand scheme of things. There was never any doubt that Majors would be anything but great. I really want to see all the different takes we'll get going forward.
  13. The thing with MCU stingers, even then, is that the only major one we got came with a very clear date to continue on. Infinity Wars and End Game were clearly labeled as a year apart, so it was clear when we'd get a resolution. Also, there was only a single hanging thread left. Sure, the single thing was the death of half of everyone, but that's a lot easier to keep track of a year later than "Where is Loki?", "Where is Silvie?", "Where did Renslayer go?", "Who is this Kang?", and "What happens to Alioth when it isn't constantly getting fed new pruned timelines?". Therr are too many hanging threads that we're all going to forget by the time a season 2 comes along in late 2022 or 2023. That's what leaves things getting unsatisfied. As far as TVA time goes, I had assumed they exist in some void dimension outside of time. Events happen one after the other, but time doesn't really move forward for any of them. In that way they could totally be immortal while there, but not really because they aren't really experiencing time. If that is what's going on, good luck ever getting an explanation in the series, because that's a weird concept to wrap your head around.
  14. The time spent with Mobius was well spent. I'll disagree with that one. It gave the end scene a bit more impact than it would have otherwise. That said, pacing in the last episode was wildly off. It definitely could have used a bit more time. It also annoyed me that Loki NEVER suggested Sylvie attempt to enchant Kang to find out if he was telling the truth or not. It would have taken all of five seconds, especially since he's just human and they literally just charmed a reality devouring monster. As far as Kang setting things up, I don't think this incarnation of Kang cared anymore. It doesn't seem like he was quite as motivated as his more conquer-y variants. I'm not a huge fan of where this one ended. We'll see Kang again in, what? Ant-Man in 2023? Wandavision and Falcon had much cleaner endings. I mean, yes, that's obvious since they won't be getting second seasons, but that still doesn't really absolve such a weak ending. I think things would have worked a little better with one additional episode introducing us to this Kang. We know this TVA is clearly lead by Kang, himself, but we don't know whether this Kang is benevolent or not. That's kind of a shitty cliffhanger to hold over us until, very likely, after the next Ant Man. Now, what are the next series coming up this year and next? Ms Marvel, She Hulk, Hawkeye, Ironheart, Armor Wars, Secret Invasion, Moon Knight, Echo, and that Wakanda series. I think that's all of them. Yeah, season 2 is likely far away unless something gets moved.
  15. Yeah, he was pretty adamant that nobody wanted a female superhero. We can also thank him for the lack of Black Widow toys.
  16. Who could forget about Steven Spielberg's Boom Blox? Does Treasure even still exist? I don't think I've played any game of theirs since Sin and Punishment 2. Also, nearly all Apple Arcade exclusives disappear once they get ported outside of the Apple ecosystem. I think iOS reviews are screwing them over. The bigger Some Arcade releases get extensive coverage that will often overshadow the reviews they're get one they hit other consoles or PC. If Fantasian gets a port outside of iOS next year or the year after, I have a feeling even it will just slide right under the radar.
  17. This is the sort of thing Loon should have helped out with prior to shutting down. The US doesn't really have to get involved. Just lose a few Internet-carrying balloons. Each balloon was only like $17k.
  18. The collectors market as a whole is all out of whack thanks to the nouveau riche crypto millennials. At least this purchase make me bash my head in less than the, like, the $2.9m paid to "own" Jack Dorsey's first tweet. Even then, that one makes me want to stick my head in a wood chipper less than this... Yeah, that's $1.5m for a randomly generated ape wearing a hat.
  19. A JPG of Disaster Girl went for $500k, so $1.5m for a perfect condition Mario 64 seems fairly quaint.
  20. That fight was... The script for this one was pretty weak, saved only by the cast.
  21. Salmon doesn't need to cook that hot. Wrapped in foil and sitting on the warming plate is likely more than enough to cook it to, at least, medium. Even better, you could cook it without drenching it in gross sugar water that almost assuredly has zero actual lemon in it. What's even worse is that salmon doesn't exactly hold onto fat very well, so this thing probably came out horribly dry. If you're going to poach salmon in that much liquid, you'd probably be better off in oil.
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