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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. @Emperor Diocletian II I'm actually already subscribed to Lindsay. She's awesome. As you probably know she does more than movies.
  2. These were my initial thoughts as well. Of all the pro sports orgs, the NBA has been the most well-intentioned towards the recent civil discourse. But, I think if all other NBA teams follow suit then it might be more meaningful. Rumors are swirling about your guys sitting their game out today, too.
  3. The Milwaukee Bucks aren't playing their playoff game today to protest Jacob Blake being shot. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/29747523/bucks-not-taking-court-game-5-vs-magic
  4. It's not. There have been several similar ones. To Shapiro's credit, he's mostly seemed smart enough to shut up about his original self own and not amplify it for himself.
  5. Ammon Bundy is such a massive douche. Black and white world views like his allow him to be right once or twice but most of the time he's doing bullshit like this.
  6. You'd have to pay me a large sum of money to watch a Trump infomercial.
  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/maryanne-trump-barry-secret-recordings/2020/08/22/30d457f4-e334-11ea-ade1-28daf1a5e919_story.html The niece who wrote that book about what a bitch her POTUS uncle is also secretly recorded convos with said bitch's sister. Sister thinks her brother is a whiny little bitch. She also thinks he is cruel and incompetent.
  8. I was surprised that a rich guy was going to be investigated under this admini- Oh.
  9. Tbf remember when Trump was like "Hilary will destroy the country unless you 2A folks want to do something about it." Not exact words but it was a thing.
  10. Lots of new singles today and a new album: Deftones - I like it. Carcass - fuck yeah. Way too long since their previous excellent release Surgical Steel Napalm Death - a bit more noise rock/punk than grind like the previous single but I still enjoy it quite a bit. Uada - Not liking the production on this one But the song itself is fire. Albums Unleash the Archers - Abyss - I've been waiting for this for forever. It's so good. Of the non-singles this is definitely my favorite track. It's dreamy and black-gazey and poppy. Protest the Hero - Fabula & Syuzhet - A digital EP I had no idea was coming. I guess it's a 7" That was bonus material when they released their newest album. It's pretty good. Lots of good shit.
  11. Yes. That's one of my absolute favorite ones that I've watched. I played the shit out of that game but could never beat it. But it turns out nobody can because really it's a piece of shit.
  12. What are they? I don't watch a lot of stuff on YouTube generally, but there are a couple of movie channels I follow. And I just discovered another one that I'm absolutely in love with. Help me discover more. Stuff I've always followed: Patrick H Willems - I first found this channel when I saw a video of his about Marvel movies looking like ass and I stopped feeling so alone in the world. But I like the way he dissects an element of a movie or a director's repertoire. Like this recent one about how the switch to English instead of subtitles for the Russian characters in The Hunt for Red October wasn't because the director didn't think his audience could hang, but he wanted to do something subtle with the characters. FilmJoy - Mostly known for its "Movies with Mikey" series that tries to look at what's going on narratively under the surface. I love his breakdowns of The Force Awakens and The Grand Budapest Hotel. New (to me) hotness: Cinemassacre - I cannot get enough of this shit. I love their 90s rental store schtick and humor. I love the discussions about all the movies I grew up watching on VHS and that I, like the hosts, was definitely too young to watch at the time. I love James Rolfe's "Angry Video Game Nerd" stuff because I definitely played a lot of that crap when I was young and now can understand why I hated it.
  13. I know not all on the left like Obama but there's no doubt he's a great orator. His speech was very good. I think he speaks to our better angels quite effectively.
  14. I don't care to go verify this at the RNC site. But I 100% believe it. I know some of them have been confirmed. I've seen this floating around. Is the demon sperm doctor Ben Shapiro's wife? Or is it that other crazy lady? Like... I know the party has always been a joke during my lifetime but there used to be some air of credibility around their bullshit. With Bush they threw that out and Trump curbstomped it. But there's just something about this list that makes me feel even more icky about these ass clowns.
  15. Cuomo on CNN last night kept saying "she should have said Joe Biden. She couldn't mention Joe Biden? Why didn't she say Joe Biden? Did she think about Joe Biden at all?" maintaining his 'biggest chode on cable news' status.
  16. I really liked Murder on the Orient Express so I've been looking forward to this since I heard about it. Looks to be delivering more of the same which is fine by me.
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