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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Making the guy a video game creator instead of a musician was stupid.
  2. I honestly don't think there's a better video game movie in terms of just straight adapting the source material.
  3. I know for 100% fact that I am going to love the shit out of this trash heap.
  4. Thanks. Ludicrous claims are pretty easily smacked down.
  5. Normally I'd say "I'm not the one that has to do the proving or disproving. You're making the claim so the onus is on you to prove it." But I just conducted a little experiment for this conversation's sake. Question: Are Overwatch characters part of the cultural milieu outside of video games? Hypothesis: No. Most of my friends and family aren't gamers and I've never heard Overwatch discussion among them. Unlike other video games. Prediction: My wife, who is not a gamer, and who has seen me play Overwatch plenty of times over the years, will not be able to recognize an Overwatch character. Experiment: Show her an Overwatch character (the most-picked one on PC according to this site, at that) and ask her to name the character and/or what game they are from. To my non-shock, she could not name Ana, and she couldn't say that she recognized the character from something. I told her she's from Overwatch. "Oh." I didn't stop there, however. I took this question to my friends who are gamers on our small Discord server. Here are the results from the seven of us who play games with some frequency: Now, I expected the guy on there who I've played Overwatch with before to be able to answer that and he did. But I thought I'd get at least one more that could recognize her. I didn't. Note, I am not saying that Overwatch isn't popular or a behemoth in the industry. I'm not even saying the game itself isn't recognizable to some degree among non-gamers. I fucking love the game. But it's characters absolutely are not icons. My wife and friends recognize Mario and Master Chief and Scorpion. 100%. Those are icons.
  6. About as much labor for somebody to realize that I'm saying that Soldier76 and Eddy Gordo aren't iconic nor are they interesting.
  7. Didn't know where to stick this. Congress hasn’t raised the minimum wage... - Senator Mitt Romney | Facebook M.FACEBOOK.COM Congress hasn’t raised the minimum wage in more than a decade, leaving millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. I’m introducing a bill with Senator Tom Cotton that would... Not that the bill is ideal or anything but is he outflanking Democrats from the left again? Or, at least the ones who insist on it being a reconciliation Bill because reasons when they know they could ram it through if they really wanted?
  8. Don't feel bad. Make that money and look out for you and yours first. Congrats!
  9. Maybe I missed it earlier but are you heading off to bigger and better things?
  10. I'm not usually one to talk down on the next generation but this alone makes me fear a bunch of fuckin' Hitler Youth dorks on the horizon.
  11. Mitt Romney accused of being ‘deep state’ agent in proposed censure motion WWW.SLTRIB.COM A proposed censure of Sen. Mitt Romney accuses him of being a "deep state" agent for voting to convict former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial. Also this. The Utah GOP doesn't believe a word of that statement.
  12. Also, to her remarks about people joining the party: Many in Utah changed their voter registration to Republican so that they could vote for the "sane" "moderate" Governor Cox in the primary. Because there were some real fucking loons on the primary ballot. Just bonkers. And I will probably end up doing the same. In Utah, you don't need to be a registered Democrat to participate in the Democratic primary, but you do have to be a registered Republican to participate in theirs.
  13. Nah. Mitt is the only GOP-er in Utah that thinks like he does. The party has shifted away from him heavily. People here voted for him because they thought he was going to be another ass licker but he settled for boot licker.
  14. When my first son was born my MIL came to help out for a couple of months. She always acts like she's suffering with any kind of cold. Well, one day in June it was like a million fucking degrees outside. I came home from work and it was warm in the apartment we were living in at the time. So I go to check the AC. MIL had turned it off. I turned it back on and set it to the mid 70s. The current temperature read 90 degrees inside. Not two minutes after I turn it on she's putting on a sweatshirt and rubbing her hands together and blowing into them and making a big thing out of it. I mean it had "cooled down" to 88 degrees and she was doing this. So I went and turned the AC down to 65. I told my wife to tell her mom to cut that shit out. It never gets as hot where they're from as it was inside (and outside) our place that day. It infuriated me.
  15. Truthfully, I only shopped once at Publix while I was in Florida about a month ago. It doesn't exist where I live. I was flabbergasted at the prices compared to other stores in the area. And they didn't seem to sell anything that was "store brand" like Kroger and the like.
  16. If you're a for-profit company that makes more than 6 figures in profit there is a 99.9% chance you're donating to the GOP and a 99.8% chance you're donating to the DNC.
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