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Everything posted by brucoe

  1. I just hope that this isn't one of those stories we remember years later as something that was fudged by a scientist for quick fame.
  2. Okay, Story time with the Legospaceman: (either you'll find it interesting, or at least it will let me blow some steam) The doctor who put a graft into my arm (who can't seem to remember if it was a fistula or a graft) was told months ago that I had lost all feeling to the index finger of that arm. He indicated that was normal and that the no feeling and numbness would go away. A month after that my finger started to feel pain.. He looked at the finger and said "It's healing". The next few months were series of the nurses at the dialysis center constantly indicating that they didn't think it was getting better. Calls to the doctor were impossible to make because no one answered. Finally, I walked into the clinic and said I needed to see the doctor (of which I had been informed that this breached some kind of unwritten protocol). Saw the doctor. He looked at the finger and said "I really think it's healing." Fast forward another month and the head nurses decided they were going to contact the nephrologist and inform him that in their opinion something needs to be done. Get an appointment and he arranges a new surgery to repath the graft (or fistula). A few weeks after, he sees me again and says "it's definitely getting better." Anyway, about seven months of this have taken place, and I've been in pain the whole time. Advance a few more months into this timeline and I see him once more because "no, it's not getting better." He sends me to a plastic surgeon with the idea of cleaning out the debris that has accumulated as this finger was "getting better". The plastic surgeon says he doesn't want to clean it out until we've had an xray to make sure it's not infected (which means he'll have to amputate part of the finger). I go and get an xray and it turns out that the finger is NOT infected. I go back to the plastic surgeon and he says the only option is to amputate. This is kind of where I am now. My nephrologist has honored my request of getting a second opinion, so now we're in a holding pattern waiting for some mysterious doctor to entertain me with a second opinion. Meanwhile, my finger has made it so I haven't had more than two hours of sleep most nights during this period.
  3. Man, I was hoping it was going to be me again, or "YOU" as I was so honorifically identified.
  4. When you're in a Russian prison, you'd probably be overjoyed to return to North Korea as long as it's not to another prison.
  5. Fortunately, I was able to do early voting. I hate Abbott so much (including the usual crew that gets elected with him), so it was a pleasure to vote against him, even though I realize the odds are completely for that asshat winning another term (as well as his cohorts).
  6. For them, it's a win-win. The wealthy are already going to vote for them, so they just laugh at the lie and vote Republican anyway. Meanwhile, they know they're never going to get the hard liberals, who are the ones mostly saddled with debt, so all they have to convince is their less educated base that the liberals are doing evil again, and just get that base out to vote.
  7. I've been on the waiting list for a Steam Deck forever. I want one so bad, but Steam no love me.
  8. Coincidentally, the Ukrainians have been seen yielding purple lightsabers.
  9. It was the top secret plan to make America great again, only that the guy was too stupid to remember the combination and too cheap to hire a locksmith to open it up, so instead America got the stupid plan that he came up with on the fly as he took advice from the pillow guy.
  10. Although it won't happen, the best solution would be to sell DC to Disney.
  11. It's difficult to get wrong when she is the essence of my entire religion.
  12. It's only a wasted vote in the minds of those who lost the election. To the person voting his or her heart, the vote wasn't wasted because he or she actually voted for whom they really wanted. It is when elections are seen as winners or losers that we end up in situations that bring us shitty candidates like Trump as an either/or requirement.
  13. That's kind of how it starts. Too bad we don't have some virus that occurred in the past to give us guidance going forward....
  14. I suspect that mindset from the American people is why this is going to explode and take a long time to get under control, kind of like HIV.
  15. Due to this being sponsored by Manchin, the rest of the Democrats should reject it and just say that they can't support something like that.
  16. The goal is to get those feeling good people to actually vote, which is a problem that dates back to the early days of this republic.
  17. Can't wait to see how the Republican Party spins this as Biden failing America.
  18. The 14 day lifestyle Libre is an awesome device. As someone who hates finger pricks like me, it has been a lifesaver.
  19. What he doesn't seem to understand is that what should be most important to him is not the people of the country he dislikes but those he would be serving with who are far more significant than the imaginary people he perceives that don't like him. Unfortunately, people who fill their lives with vitriol and anger rarely go about making new friends.
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