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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Holy shit... I mean I saw a news story that played the body cam footage up until the guy was shot. But I figured there had to be more to the video which provoked the officer to shoot. But no....he just blew that guy away from behind.
  2. That's what I have resorted too. Anytime I watch a movie or game alone, it's wireless headphones all the way.
  3. I like subtitles but sometimes I feel like I'm focusing too much on the words and missing out on facial expressions and such.
  4. Battle passes shouldn't gather that much attention. It's supposed to be pay $10 for it, and unlock fun stuff along the way. There's a Forbes article saying it would take 200-300 hours to unlock everything right now. That's a ridiculous time commitment for the 90% junk they put in there.
  5. I enjoyed most of the Marvel movies over the years. Always super hyped leading up to their release. All the movies slowly tieing together, leading up to a huge final showdown in Endgame. It was a fun ride. Since Endgame though... I haven't had any desire to watch Marvel stuff. I had wanted to maybe check out Wandavision but just never got around to it. Loki, Black Widow, Shang Chi, and Hawkeye I'm just like meh. I don't think I've seen any of the movies since Endgame, other than Spider-Man. For those of you who are Marvel fans, are you consuming anything and everything they put out, or are you being more selective?
  6. I don't even know if I'm going to unlock the armor for that limited time event that's out. I think it ends today and then comes back later. It's only like level 6 I think. I played 2 hours last night and it only gave me 2 challenges that even counted toward the limited event. And the one challenge was "Get 20 assists in Fiesta mode". Which is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. To me, Rocket League has the perfect battle pass set up. You unlock stuff at a consistent pace, and after level 70 they start giving you colored items of stuff you got earlier in the pass. And their limited time events are never really a challenge but they keep you busy. Halo's set up is so ridiculous that it makes me think they launched knowing it was going to get flak, probably needed more time, but they had to launch the game.
  7. Agreed. Growing up my dad had a .44 magnum that I only ever saw 2 or 3 times. But knowing it was in the house and knowing I wasn't supposed to ever touch it, actually made me want to search it out. As a kid when nobody was home, I remember randomly spending a few minutes looking for it just out of boredom. Had he taught me about guns as a kid I wouldn't have had the curiosity about it.
  8. For a long long time I always thought, "I should have a gun in the house for protection." There is that very small chance something could happen and maybe it will keep me safe. But as I've gotten older with kids in the house, I feel like the risk of having one in the house is only upping the risk for a horrible accident to happen. For as much as I would have to lock the gun up to keep it away from kids, it suddenly seems useless if I needed it within a few seconds of someone breaking in.
  9. Is there a way to load Flight Simulator up and just fly around with super easy controls? My son saw there was a flying game and got really excited. I'm like I don't know man I don't think it's really a kids game. Maybe I'll try digging in to see if it's got any fun for him.
  10. Are the load times fast on Xbox as well? I think that impresses me the most about the game. I never actually timed it, but sometimes I hit the play button and it feels like 30-60 seconds later I'm running through a huge level.
  11. My wifes aunt and uncle are getting better from Covid. Like I mentioned before, the uncle got it much worse, he did not end up in the hospital luckily. He could barely eat for 4 full days without throwing up or diarrhea. Now he's dealing with manageable congestion.
  12. I played one game of Breakthrough last night and I actually had some fun. There was a patch, it mentioned something about the weapons and I was actually able to shoot some people. About mid range I was able to make some kills with the assault rifle for a change.
  13. I tried Ori the other night. Game looks great. Great game for HDR. I saw there were 2 display options 4k 120fps or 6k 60fps. I only messed with 4k so far.
  14. I'm really happy with these settings. First game I played tonight I went 12 kills 4 deaths. I was always at the bottom of the list before. They don't feel super twitchy or anything either. Just feels good.
  15. I wasn't real happy with how the game felt so I looked up sensitivity settings and found this: The best sensitivity settings in Halo Infinite for controller players: Move: Center Deadzone: 6 Look: Center Deadzone: 6 Move: Max Input Threshold: 0 Look: Max Input Threshold: 9 Move: Axial Deadzone: 6 Look: Axial Deadzone: 1 Look Acceleration: 2 Look Sensitivity (Horizontal): 7 Look Sensitivity (Vertical): 7 I don't have much experience with how all those help, but as soon as I changed all those I thought, "hey this feels pretty nice". I feel like I'm getting more kills and can keep up with people better in a firefight now too. I'd be curious to see what you all think of them or if you have any recommendations you like.
  16. @best3444 Hopefully that email was just a standard thing they sent out because they couldn't fulfill it in time today. I'm hoping by tomorrow or Friday they will tell you it's ready for pick up.
  17. You will definitely have gotten an email from Citizens bank (not Citi) back when you were approved and placed the order. The email has a link and an activation code. Click the link, make account and put the activation code in. I did that the night I placed the order and just yesterday the account finally updated and shows my monthly payment and due date. First payment is due Dec. 16th. You can pay as much money as you want but you won't be able to use your reward certificates. When I picked xbox up the guy was like "well... here you go" and didn't give me a bag or anything to carry it out in. On my 1 minute journey out the door, i had a death grip on the thing haha.
  18. Has Fortnite's popularity started to drop yet? Their merchandise is EVERYWHERE at the mall I went to a couple weeks ago. Just feels like it should be at that super mainstream point by now where it's suddenly "not cool" anymore.
  19. I've also wondered why people run in the road. Google definitely backs up your claim: "Concrete is a much harder surface than asphalt or macadam. It's the worst commonly encountered surface that you can run on and should be avoided like the plague. To compare the "hardness" of concrete and asphalt, hit each surface with a hammer and see how it feels to your hand and arm." Now I kind of want to run in the road.....
  20. A few posts back I mentioned my wife's aunt got diagnosed with Covid and her husband ran out to get the shot right away, and that night he got a bad headache. Well now she just told my wife that she had to call an ambulance for her husband. Not sure of the specifics but he tested positive yesterday and now he's requesting an ambulance. Ambulance came and they said the hospital said there is an 8-10 hour wait and if you can stay home, just try to stay home. They took his vitals and deemed them acceptable so for now he's just sitting tight. He is early 60's and a smoker for all his life. He has had mild COPD for a few years now too.
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