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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. Oh look Bernie did another thing he and his supporters would harass the fuck out of another candidate/candidate's supporters for doing and he gets yet another oopsie for it.
  2. I think it's true that left leaning interests across the globe, particularly passionate advocates, should learn from the UK election that policy does not overcome everything else. In the current climate of right wing monied interests running hard on xenophobia, labour campaigning as xenophobic-but-with-labour-friendly-policies is clearly not a winning message. That does NOT mean that left politics are self-defeating. It means that they won't overcome other campaign issues and Corbyn being a xenophobic anti-semetic brexit supporter didn't make it easier for the racists to vote for labour and it also made it harder for other ostensible allies to vote for them. I do believe that this means our candidate in the US has to be anti-racist, but I already thought that. We're not going to win back soft trump voters by saying that we can appeal to their racism too. 1992 was almost 30 years ago.
  3. Boris will happily hard brexit and the conservatives will follow.
  4. I think that's more than a bit overblown considering those kids all turned out in 2018 with no Bernie in sight. e: and Bernie has proven that he has trouble even turning his own supporters out. Not sure why he's getting made into a totem here.
  5. I dunno I don't see how he lacks the vote for whatever he wants. It was thin before but a 50 seat majority now? It's dealer's choice.
  6. The age breakdown is exciting. 18-29's voting at the rate of 30-44's and 30-44's matching 45-64's is probably a better sign of where things are heading than education or ethnicity.
  7. Kinda hard to say the brits don't want this now... It seems like they'll vote just to be done with the nonsense, consequences be damned. I don't think American voters are like that. Can't have helped that Corbyn was not only disliked but didn't really campaign to stop brexit. You can say he ran a left campaign on many issues but on the key issue here why would anyone pick Corbyn flavored brexit? It'd be like Bernie running a campaign saying Donald Trump isn't a racist and impeachment isn't necessary... ah shit.
  8. It's not a question of free will. What seems as something that hasn't happened yet already has, our perception hasn't got there yet. You aren't "always" going to pick snickers, you already did pick it.
  9. End right to work Make salaries public or private, but a business being allowed to forbid you discussing salary with co-workers and new employers being able to demand your salary history is a deeply worker unfriendly soup. Better fund unemployment benefits. More online community college access, free ESL classes particularly for Spanish, Korean, and South Asian languages. Anything more? I'm itching to call my reps.
  10. Re-enfranchising felons is a great thing Democratic party governors can do to combat election chicanery by the Republican party. I gotta believe that McAuliffe doing that in Virginia helped with the next two historic turnout elections in VA.
  11. And yeah I'm really not sure how this is all going to turn out, I think they really have the balls to do absolutely anything with the source and it's really exciting .. Which is crazy to me because adaptations that take so many liberties usually come off as uninspired and disrespectful of the source.
  12. I think it's worth saying that withholding information until the last moment necessary is a good thing.
  13. At the same time I don't see any Lindelof in the film. Nothing that's intrinsic to his work comes through.
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