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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. Bernie knew, that's why his team wanted to game the system so Bernie could declare victory even if he didn't win in the delegate count. It didn't work though and everyone who was preparing their "Bernie won Iowa" narrative appears to be running it anyway.
  2. So you're saying that when caucuses were discussed at the unity reform commission Bernie's people didn't insist on keeping them? Because that did happen. Saying the dnc has no control isn't exactly right either; the dnc doesn't have to accept results of a contest if that contest doesn't play by their rules. They've done it before. They did it several times in the 2008 primary.
  3. Let's all take a moment to remember that the DNC wanted to dump caucuses and Bernie's people refused. We wouldn't even be dealing with this nonsense if it weren't for the fact that one guy who did well in caucuses in 2016 wanted them around for his 2020 run.
  4. Lots of good stuff but I'm really confused at the milk label ban. It's already not branded milk; it's almond milk, cashew milk, oat milk. Literally nobody is confused here.
  5. Right. Mitt is voting to remove trump. He's the one compromising. Nobody should be making it harder for him to do that.
  6. And I'm on Mitt's side here. I've always maintained that I don't like his politics but he seems to arrive at his opinions honestly and tries to be a good person. His biggest problems in politics were playing to the same base that powers trump. If he can lead the party to a new era that leaves that behind them I honestly don't care how cynical the move he made here is, I'm all for it. A Senate with Mitt as majority leader looks a lot different than anyone else in that chair.
  7. Maybe we shouldn't give one tiny state party the perception that they get to pick the nominee and then let them roll on with volunteers and no oversight. Oversight is what looks like killed the whole system and even assuming no nefarious intent - the inability to successfully operate under scrutiny is unacceptable.
  8. Maybe I'm crazy but I think all the chaos in Iowa is best for Warren. She'll have to follow on with wins though.
  9. If the entire government dies do we get to have to start over?
  10. Probably the same reason overall turnout was down; lack of excitement for a specific candidate .. Both because there's a lack of excitement from our candidates (unless you're already on board with Bernie) and because so many of them have the numbers to beat trump. It's the downside of voluntary democracy, complacency. The people who support Biden are just most likely to say "fuck it" and stay home.
  11. It's striking to me how much some of Bernie's folks were so damn certain they were going to win Iowa. This kind of thinking is insane especially before the results are announced and double especially since it's not looking like ya boi ran off with it like the narrative in your head said would happen.
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