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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. Except that doesn't work at all in small communities with limited shopping options.
  2. I avoid cable news like the plague. It actively makes people shittier and more stressed. Only news worth watching on TV is PBS Newshour.
  3. Maddow and "far left lol" talking heads aren't spreading an equivalent of white nationalism, Russian propaganda, Christofascism and misogyny ether. To claim otherwise is disingenuous to the extreme. There is no Tucker paranoid crazy logic chain conspiracy bullshit equivalent on MSNBC.
  4. You don't like watching a bunch of rich insufferable white boomers men jerk each other off?
  5. The real question is will or won't this be better than White Boy Summer?
  6. Isn't Rupert Murdoch an Aussie? I thought the C word there was the eqivalent of "Dude" in SoCal.
  7. How hard is it not to do this? Like even if those are your views how does one not have the self awareness to keep that shit to your self?
  8. A sicko reaction that isn't Sicko Sherman? 50 lashes with a wet noodle.
  9. I'm not even talking about influence. Tucker Carlson has been spewing white nationalism, xenophobia, and straight Russian propaganda for years. To act like Don Lemon does anything similar is being disingenuous.
  10. As far as transgender people competing in sports. I've always been of the opinion it should be decided by science. If its shown transwomen have a significant advantage over biological women then they shouldn't be allowed to compete. If there is some benchmark they must satisfy before they compete then thats what it should be. And when I said "only thing" I meant things I really care about. And that Slate article's title is exaggerated to get clicks.
  11. I have been mostly plesently surprised by Biden. Only thing he's done I didn't like was the breaking of the rail strike.
  12. What I find facinating about this whole trans hysteria is how little it matters to people in their day to day lives. If I've ever seen a trans person in real life (that I recognized as trans) I can't remember it and I live in California the land of hedonism and depravity. And I've known plenty of gays and lesbians. If you didn't tune into cable and online news and just lived your life like a normal person you would have no clue what any of this is about. Its probably the most artificially "think tanked up" load of bullshit I can think of since the caravan of migrant apocalypse.
  13. Althought I haven't watched any MCU media after Avengers III, the Ant-Man movies were always among my favorites so I was initially mildly interested in this until I found out the setting. No Michael Peña and everything that made the first 2 Ant-Man's great? I'll pass.
  14. I love when conservatives play dumb as if they don't know exactly what Elon is doing. But I guess when being disingenuous is woven in to your belief system it comes naturally. Their favorite tactic is taking actions at face value when its convenient. I often use the example if Trump were to have a couple of goons behind him and said "Nice family you have there shame if anything happened to them, MAGA drones would say "Whats wrong with caring if something bad happened to their family?"
  15. The thing about conservatives is that they have to be angry. They will never be placated and say "Yes this is enough there is no need to pass any more bills". They will always up the ante regardless of what happened before it. Which is why they are going for a psudeo-national ban on abortion. And why these anti-trans and gun bills are getting progressively worse. Conservative talk radio and media are never gonna wake up one day and have a happy and positive message. They sell rage and will never run out. So my point about sblfilms is that even if one bill "Isn't that bad", the next one might be and the effects are cumulative. And the sentiment behind these bills IS that bad.
  16. So does Ukraine have Bradleys and western MBTs up and running yet? I have yet to see any videos with them in it. It could be because of OPSEC but still I have yet to see any evidence of them using them. I'd imagine they aren't doing a counter offensive until they have them up and running and in numbers.
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