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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. I've heard the taped coversations he had with that lady and that was enough for me. I don't think I've ever heard anything creepier in my life.
  2. I don't think its a surprise that Meatball would get a ton of money thrown at him. There are many rich Republicans who wan't anyone but Trump. I don't think this represents his popularity at all though and when it comes down to it he doesn't get the juices flowing like Trump.
  3. Have a portable AC backup. Still though fuck living in a place where you literally die if you go outside longer than 15 minutes in the summer. I couldn't imagine a summer locked indoors.
  4. I wouldn't live out there without a gas backup generator and a solar battery/panels. But then again I'd never live out there cause I value going outside.
  5. Centrist Dems are plotting a save-McCarthy strategy for the debt fight - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM If the speaker cuts a deal that alienates conservatives, some Democrats are willing to help save his gavel. Guess its already been talked about Seems to me this is the way to go if they aren't gonna go 14th amendment. Agree to some minor things they want while getting them to concede some of Trump's tax cuts and protect him from the chuds.
  6. Could democrats agree to give McCarthy enough votes to support him if a MAGA chud calls a snap vote? If would remove the leverage they have over him.
  7. Putin defectors say they've seized Belgorod towns, vow to "liberate Russia" WWW.NEWSWEEK.COM The Freedom of Russia Legion aims "to liberate Russia from Putinism," Ilya Ponomarev, an exiled Russian politician, told Newsweek. Seems like this is a bit more than a nuisance.
  8. A Moon Shaped Pool from Radiohead is IMO a top tier album from them and one of my favorites. Thats a pretty damn good run.
  9. Honestly I'm just tired of their shit. Let the dog catch the car. If they wanna destroy the US and their place as the world's currency let them. Terrorists should not be negotiated with because they are gonna keep doing it if they are rewarded for it.
  10. Just call their fuckin bluff. Jesus Christ. I guartentee you their corporate handlers will give them "the call" soon enough.
  11. Yep Trump understands that results don't matter. Its all vibes. Desantis should have just shit on Disney, made some meaningless moves against them, clamed victory, and moved on.
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