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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. That is my biggest fear right now, my wife or I just slipping and falling on the sidewalk or something and needing emergency services and not being able to receive them.
  2. I read this morning that the US only plans to vaccinate around 100 million people by the end of 2021, does anyone have any sources to back this up or refute it? That seems...low, considering Canada anticipates to have everyone inoculated by the end of Q3. I read it was something to do with orders and contracts, but I can't find anything concrete.
  3. Is this possibly the biggest "wow this game is amazing!" to "fuck the developer!" turnarounds in game history? Normally a game comes out and the press is immediately negative, but in this case the first 24-48 hours were pretty good, and then there was the sudden downturn in opinions. They can definitely turn it around if they put in the work (look at No Man's Sky, which is fantastic now)...but they'll need to earn that good will back.
  4. Close to 4,000 deaths per day by the end of January (if not sooner!) = not significant, I guess.
  5. I partly agree, but not fully. Bacon is a good meat if you need to add salt (and possibly crisp) to a meal. It's great on BLT because it counters the tomato's acidity. But is it necessary on a burger? Imo, not really.
  6. White House Official Recovers From Severe Covid-19, Friend Says WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM A White House official who fell ill with Covid-19 in September is recovering after three months in the hospital, though he lost his right foot and lower leg in his battle against the virus, according to a friend.
  7. Boba Fett is Jango Fett and is the same as every Clone Trooper. It makes sense they wouldn't allow Clone Troopers since some of them went haywire...and they've moved on to non-clones.
  8. Tarkin in ANH was more like a Soviet sub captain (military) and Vader was the party officer on board. The party officer can ruin the reputation of the captain and override them in some areas (and possibly get them kicked out/killed after a while), but is not in charge. Obviously ESB and ROTJ retroactively changed who Vader was in the overall hierarchy.
  9. Why does Hux have to be Tarkin? Why does there need to be an equivalent for Tarkin? Ben is the villain (or was, until Abrams changed it for IX), and was quite competent (in that he was impulsive and vengeful, but not disciplined). The villains don't need to match up to the OT (or PT).
  10. The idea is you send a totally different slate of electors to Washington to cast their votes, and get Congress to accept them (and not the ones we know to be valid). Congress has the final say on accepting electors, so they could (and possibly would, if the election were really close and GOP controlled both houses) accept any alternate slate if they felt the official ones were not valid. This has actually happened before in the US.
  11. Okay hear me out: We should get the Democratic Party to oppose climate change, human rights, and other important issues so that the GOP will be forced to take them up. The DNC has proven totally incapable of actually advocating for and effectively legislating on important issues compared to the GOP. So let the GOP own these things (since they are going to win 50% of the time anyway) and have them get things done. Then when the DNC wins, they can just be really bad at banning abortion and other right-wing stuff.
  12. Absolutely. It's the "look at that bitch eating crackers" syndrome. If you love TROS (shudders) then you'll gloss over the issues (or at least admit they are there, but are minor). Same with TFA, TLJ, Mandalorian, etc. But if you hate a movie, then you will take issue with every single thing in it. That shows the mark of a true edgelord.
  13. Let's be real—most of the Imperial officers in the OT were jokes as well, and there was humour (albeit dryer) when they died.
  14. White House staff members will be among the first to be vaccinated. - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM Anyone who receives a vaccine in the next three months who isn't a healthcare worker or long-term care resident should be executed.
  15. US treasury hacked by foreign government group – report | Hacking | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Concern that hackers used a similar tool to break into other government agencies
  16. Canada introduces national compensation program for vaccine injuries ahead of pandemic vaccine rollout | CBC News WWW.CBC.CA People who are vaccinated to protect themselves against COVID-19 and experience an adverse event after the immunization will be eligible for compensation through the program... If you have an adverse effect due to the vaccine, you will be compensated (though hopefully incidents remain low).
  17. Something worth mentioning (for all the people saying that restrictions are causing suicides, why aren't people talking about it, etc): Suicide deaths in Alberta in 2020 fewer than what was recorded last year CALGARY.CTVNEWS.CA While the COVID-19 pandemic, along with many of the other issues facing Albertans this year, has taken a serious toll on the mental health of many people, the province's suicide... Suicides are down in Canada this year, and apparently in Europe as well. The one place they are up is the USA. I have no proof, but I'd guess the cause is the difference in financial support provided by the government. It can't be the lock downs themselves since those have generally been stronger in Canada and EU, as well.
  18. Thread on why giving out one dose to 2x as many isn't as great an idea as some hope (giving out only one to reach person until everyone has it, then circling back for a second in 6 months or a year). Basically, because none of the studies included a placebo group for the second dose (after receiving the first), we don't have any data on a single dose alone after 30 days. Also, while the 50% number keeps getting thrown around, that's in the middle of the expected effectiveness range; the results could actually be as low as mid-twenties.
  19. The first 20-30 minutes of TFA were a great introduction to the new state of the universe, and then everything else was just retreaded fan service.
  20. Operation Cinder was stupid to begin with (that the Emperor just wanted to kill everyone if he died), but it was made doubly stupid when it turns out that the Emperor can just made another clone of himself.
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