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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. I've really been enjoying this. The card system really provides some great opportunities for specific builds, especially in longer play sessions.
  2. The entire idea that judges should be partisan (and appointed because of that) and that rulings can be one way or the other based on lucky draws is...disgusting.
  3. If that's in response to Absolut's post, then he was referring to total population, whereas this article is referring to adults. If we're talking eligible population, then: Eligible population fully vaccinated (12+). This data is a week old, so it's probably about 1% higher now, for each: Quebec - 85.8% Newfoundland & Labrador - 85.5% Prince Edward Island - 85.5% Nova Scotia - 83.6% Manitoba - 83.5% Ontario - 82.1% British Columbia - 82.0% Canada Total - 81.9% New Brunswick - 80.5% Saskatchewan - 75.0% Alberta - 74.4%
  4. We were always fucked, because you can't convince large amounts of people to care about any topic for more than 24-48 hours, even if it's life or death, and especially if it involves issues more than a few weeks away. However, the planet itself (and the species) is not doomed, life will simply change. For most that will mean it will get worse, but...well, life has always been pretty shitty for the human species.
  5. Got into an argument with a coworker today about the office thermostat...and it's not what you might think. So normally, most office fights over thermostats result from a common misconception (among IDIOTS) that the higher/lower you set the temperature, the faster it will reach that temperature. So many times in the past I've had to explain to people that no, if you want it to be 22 degrees in the office, you can't set the temperature to 26 and hope it warms up faster. Normal furnaces and ACs have a single speed, and you just set the desired temperature. However, this argument isn't like that, because our office has a dumb and different system. Because our IT offices are inside a high school, we are on the main boiler heating system. So when the heat is on it's on, and there's nothing you can do. Our office then has it's own AC system...so if we want to be at 21 degrees and the school is set at 23C...we have to turn on the AC and set it for 19C, or something like that. Basically, we have cold and hot air pumping in at the same time, averaging out. It's very frustrating because we have to constantly tinker with it because if the heat goes off for a while, we need to turn the AC off. Then on top of that we have a separate AC system for the server racks, etc. I had to explain all of this to a new coworker and they did not understand, and it was very frustrating, and now it's too hot in the office.
  6. Just fyi I was using the daily average from the last 7 days for each of those jurisdictions.
  7. Well, to be fair, Texas still has 2x the current death rate per capita of the worst place in Canada (my province) and nearly 30x of better-run provinces. So things may be more back to normal for you as a person, but clearly the state itself is failing in controlling the spread and resulting deaths as a result of its policy. Comparing death rates /100k: Texas - 0.68 Saskatchewan - 0.38 Ontario - .027
  8. I am in the "six months to a year" group with a bit of a caveat—I think that most of Canada should see good enough vaccination (85-90% of the entire population) plus others who have been infected to see a big drop in outbreaks and deaths (at least enough to not be a concern at all to the healthcare system). I think COVID will be here to stay and will become endemic, and we will certainly have some parts of our lives that change in minor ways (less hand shaking, more common to see people wearing masks, etc), but overall we'll generally be back to pre-pandemic routines. Having said that, I expect COVID deaths to still always be much higher than flu deaths going forward. It seems like it's far more dangerous to elderly/vulnerable people than the flu, even after being fully infected. Since it's also so much more contagious, I think we'll regularly see 2-3x more deaths from COVID than flu each year.
  9. Question: How do you pronounce Latinx? Lat-in-EX? Or Lat-inks? Or something else?
  10. The thread about this has devolved into people insisting the mods should be paid, and the mods insisting they shouldn't be, while insulting the users now (and users insulting mods). Meanwhile, people want the mods to delete their accounts, and the mods say the posting records can only be anonymized, not deleted. In one instance, a fairly well-known user went back and started deleting their own posts to scrub their history, and the mods restored them against the user's will since some were large OT threads and were "too important" to the community to be removed. The user has since been banned/left. One mod, who said people didn't actually care about the mods, actually set up a gofundme to "prove" that people didn't actually want to pay them anything. They raised over $1,000 and were quickly forced to backtrack, and said they would donate it to charity. But the point of course is that a large corporation should be paying them for their labour, not that users owe them anything, and it wasn't the gotcha that they thought it was. Now that mod is basically fighting with users.
  11. Subscribe to read | Financial Times WWW.FT.COM News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication So I'm sure this will not affect at all how they handle the possibility of Trump running again in 2024.
  12. Exactly. In my province, about half the people who died last month (before the big spike this month) were fully vaccinated. BUT, the stats show that those people were basically all 80+ with severe health issues. Under 80, the vast majority who died were unvaccinated. Unfortunately, anti-vaxxers (and people who don't understand stats or anything else that is complicated) just see the headline "majority who died were fully vaccinated."
  13. Why is it that historically, Canadians have been over represented on D1P?
  14. For sure. However, the uncertainty has allowed a lot of people to receive extra doses (and presumably extra protection) in order to have two of the same kind. For people who receive two AstraZeneca doses, they were also allowed to receive two additional doses of Moderna or Pfizer. They are invincible now.
  15. Weirdly, I have not also received a ban, even though I've made sure to post in that thread every few pages with a subtle (or not so subtle) link to here. I even blatantly posted the site in a few communities I am involved in (mostly Canadian politics...so look forward to more OF THAT).
  16. Kenney might be one of the worst premiers in Canadian history, both as a person and electorally. Imagine defeating the NDP (after their first win in a generation, and only because of a divided right) and then completely blowing it and likely losing the next election to the person you beat before:
  17. Ironically, NintendoERA kind of left resetera and moved to another forum, I think something like famiboards?
  18. If you need to raise money, just allow microtransactions. $5 to add 10k to your displayed post count.
  19. Whether it turns out to be anything large or not, there are already a sizable group of users who appear angry at the sale. He has been charging for ad-free premium accounts for years under the message of "helping to keep the lights on" for a community forum...well, it wasn't really a community forum, it was a private forum with a single owner who appears to have been clearing $500k per year. It also now sounds like all of the initial staff who help set it up were never given ownership stakes, and all left within the first year or two. The only people who ever received a stake were the tech team, and he bought them out a while ago. Right now the mods (and their idiot supporters) are trying to argue that they enjoy working for free while someone walks away with $500k/yr + $4.5m sale. Fuck them. Modding is fine if it's for non-profit reasons, etc. But for a site making actual money, mods should be paid for their labour.
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