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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. And it resulted in doctors going on strike in protest. Fortunately it went into effect, was loved by the public, and was later expanded to cover all of Canada.
  2. I didn't say shrinking to zero*. But a stable population of say, 500 million people, is far preferable to a population 20 billion. *although I do believe a universe without consciousness is preferable to one with it, simply because the creation of consciousness/experience leads to pain, with no ability to opt out before experiencing it.
  3. So, on the one hand, the world's shrinking population is great for the world (and human species) long-term. However, in the short-to-medium term we can only hope that the massive disruption caused by some countries shrinking (like Russia, China, etc) and others expanding (specifically USA and Canada, who tend to welcome immigrants) will be contained to local strife, and not spill over into regional/world wars.
  4. There are so many factors, but in the end people would likely go back to "shit" jobs like waiting in restaurants if they had certain things: Management that took their side vs disruptive customers, seemed to care about them Better pay Better stability/predictability in hours And while #2 and #3 might seem the most important, #1 is often the reason why people hate their job/want to leave. Feeling like you matter and are respected by management is a HUGE driving factor in how people behave in their jobs. Even though management courses always stress this (as it's well known that respect/value is usually the top-ranked thing that employees care about), most managers are just absolute morons and ignore it.
  5. Oh I'm aware! But it's a dumb excuse. Next they'll have the X-Men come out and Prof X will say "I feel bad, but we had to keep the school in hiding, to protect the children from the public's eye." At this point, they should just fully lean in to either bringing in new "established" heroes from the multiverse, or have some other (legit) reason they were not present (trapped in hibernation, etc). Not just "yes we witnessed everything and could have stopped it, but the prime directive prevented us..."
  6. This just isn't doing it for me. The movie might be great, but... Hate the aesthetics of their uniforms and powers (the former being way too similar and boring and generic) Too many characters introduced at once No relevance to existing storylines, and outright brings up questions about where they were, etc I know some of that will be answered/dealt with...but of all the Marvel movies yet, this one seems the most generic and not worth seeing.
  7. One batshit theory I've seen is that these rules are preparing us for even harsher rules that will lead to genocide, internment camps, etc. Camps for who, you ask? That is unknown. But for someone. So it's just a slippery slope argument, broken by design. If we follow one rule for "no reason," then we're more likely to be indoctrinated to follow other later, more arbitrary rules that will enslave us. The step-by-step of this is never fully outlined.
  8. Will be hilarious if MAGA people start saying "why do I have to pay $100,000 for my hospital stay, and zero for an experimental vaccine?!" and then have a weird populist right-wing push for universal healthcare. Obviously it would get shut down by the higher-ups in the GOP.
  9. Nice to see another war movie about the non-violent part of war. I've always been interested in this plan and how it was carried out, and the cast looks good, so I'm interested!
  10. tl;dr: Delaying second doses (to get more people their first dose faster) not only saved lives and reduced spread, it also boosted immunity. Mixing doses also proved successful, with the same immunity.
  11. Oh, and another thing about that article—thin crust pizza is better than deep dish!
  12. The pivot to specialists and away from classes is 100% an EA-directed move in order to sell more skins for weapons, etc. In the end there are going to be a tonne of nerfs anyway and the specialists won't be that different...so why even have them. Clearly the grapple guy is completely OP and will be picked by everyone, so they will nerf the grapple. If this is eventually going to happen...then just get rid of classes and everything, and let everyone choose any combination of weapons and perks and whatever.
  13. Ironically, even though many people see environmental protection as weak, the most badass US President in history was the biggest environmentalist (in a certain sense).
  14. Yeah, it's a dumb article. "lol, covid is a mystery!" We know exactly how it spreads—as you said, by aerosol. Sure, we might not know the exact specifics for filtration, etc, but we do know 100% a few truths: You can't catch it unless you breath it in, so if you're not around people, you won't catch it (so less trips out of the home means less transmission) The amount you are exposed to matters. A single breath could infect you, but it seems that duration matters a lot. Spending less time around others indoors reduces transmission As a corollary to the above, you can reduce duration of exposure by making sure air is cycled out of indoor space through good ventillation You can reduce some exposure through masking (which by this point has been conclusively proven to reduce transmission, but as much as 40%) So yeah, there will be some specific situations where we don't know the exact risk of transmission (because we don't know the air cycling of every single building), but we do know the general tips, in order of importance: Don't be around other people indoors Be vaccinated If you have to be around others indoors, wear a mask and keep it as short as possible
  15. Canada’s employment is back to prepandemic levels, adding 157,000 jobs in September WWW.THEGLOBEANDMAIL.COM Statistics Canada said the economy created 157,000 positions last month, far more than the 60,000 economists had been expecting; the jobless rate fell to 6.9% last month from 7.1% in August
  16. Having been to Ukraine, I do not believe there are any fat slavic people. They are perpetually underfed (either by choice or lack of food supply).
  17. Right. And I think there are two things being argued here (well, three): Is the value arbitrary? Yes, and so is everything in life except that which is fundamental to life itself Is it really just a giant scam? Yes. A lot of art sales are also scams, but that's separate Is the whole thing stupid? Yes
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