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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Our niece (whose family has cut us off because we won't let her see them if they are unvaccinated and won't wear masks) just told us that her dad got his first shot today. He did it because his work required it. So...vaccine mandates work, more than anything else, even appeals by family.
  2. Exactly. It seems that the booster really just does a few things: Keeps all protection up for those with weaker immune systems (elderly, immunocompromised, etc) Keeps protection up against any cases for anyone else (even without, your protection against severe cases seems to remain strong if you are not in the weaker group)
  3. That's a garbage analogy because you do have to replace your roof and do maintenance. Also...what is your actual complaint about having to periodically do things to improve your health? Is it the time hassle of having to spend another 20-30 minutes every year to get a booster? Is it the good-is-the-enemy-of-perfect idea, that if something only works 90% and not 100%, it's not worth doing? What is your actual argument against needing boosters, if they continue to keep you immune from severe disease, as well as from spreading, catching, etc?
  4. I read that he did spend much of the day on phone calls/video calls with people about it (so wasn't just "at the beach" as conservative media is portraying), but it's still a big blunder to not do at least one event in person. Also, I don't give a fuck if Scott Moe put on an orange t-shirt for 30 seconds for a picture when he used the courts to evict a pro-Indigenous sit in at the provincial capital, refusing to meet with them (about Indigenous suicide rates in SK). Moe and his government are hostile to Indigenous people and their issues.
  5. I eat even though after I've eaten the calories are slowly burned and I need more food later I breathe even though I will need another breathe in 3 seconds I take flu shots because the flu mutates and I want to protect people around me I will take COVID booster shots because if my immunity wanes, I will want to still be protected Like, do you own a home? If you replace your shingles once, are you going to refuse to replace them again in 15-20 years? Nothing lasts forever, and you need to do constant upkeep on yourself as well.
  6. I am not in favour of expelling them (that should be reserved for extraordinary circumstances), but I am in favour of not allowing them entry into the House, physically.
  7. There is growing pressure in Canada for Parliament to either expel or at least ban MPs who are not vaccinated. In Canada, Parliament can unseat any member with a straight majority vote, as well as set rules for admission into the building. Any member of Parliament who is not vaccinated against COVID-19 should resign WWW.THEGLOBEANDMAIL.COM Anyone who is qualified, but refuses, to take a COVID-19 vaccine is a menace to public health. Such people are not fit for elected office
  8. I'm about to have a Teams meeting in 2 minutes with some superintendents and CIO in our school division over a problem that HR created and now IT needs to solve in the next 2 hours or the division is in giant legal trouble...but I am here.
  9. Yeah I don't believe anything she says. "I have very specific details about what I want, but I am not willing to share them because I don't believe in expressing my views in public" is such a copout.
  10. You already said you aren't taking it because of your misguided/misinformed/willfully ignorant views on the efficacy of the vaccines vs your own risk. And you won't answer which specific religion/belief would induce you to apply for an exemption.
  11. They've already admitted they are lying about the religious exemption, using it as a loophole.
  12. I am very proud that Canada at this point basically has a nation-wide vaccine passport system (each province, but effectively). It's patchwork and some places are doing it better than others...but fuck people who don't want to get vaccinated because they don't understand the science. If they want to go to restaurants, movies, concerts, sporting events, liquor stores, etc, they can get vaccinated. The greater good > individual opinions.
  13. I don't think many here doubted the vaccine programs (except the way it was handled politically). Also, you clearly don't care about others if you are unwilling to be vaccinated, despite the proven effectiveness at reducing transmission to others (on top of reducing the chances you get it, which further reduces the chance of transmission to others). I get it, you're selfish.
  14. Also clearly not giving a shit about the danger you present to everyone around you. @Commissar SFLUFAN I say we institute a vaccine passport for D1P and ban anyone who doesn't provide proof.
  15. Most of the western world is running into this wall where we can no longer effectively do anything society-wide of any major importance. I guess we had a "good" run (except for what we did to the rest of the world).
  16. This of course is completely incorrect. The evidence is overwhelming that it does massively reduce the changes of you catching it, and also reduces the chances of you passing it to others (as fully vaccinated people are less contagious).
  17. Good. I mean, it's too late for the Democrats anyway since they will likely never control both houses of Congress + the Presidency at the same time ever again.
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