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Everything posted by chakoo

  1. That many, Not enough by a long shot!
  2. Expected by this point. Yet I don't think this is going to hurt companies like amazon like they want it to. This is also a great way to destroy voting by mail in ballots.
  3. There are many games (some patched) where what you do in one is not the same you do in the other to play games in multiplayer. On top of that you shouldn't need to do voice chat through a seperate app then the actual system itself which has a mic. There has also consistently been games that offer multiplayer but don't allow multiplayer with people on your friends list (again some got patched).
  4. How about it's a awful service that is charging peanuts and offering scraps with no cohearence. juvenile bullshit still happens on Nintendo Online, just see the smash community.
  5. Nah, they're not doing nothing. They're throwing dried logs and more tinder to make sure it's the biggest fire possible.
  6. This will be difficult, 2001 was a good year. atm I’m leaning Conker's Bad Fur Day since it came out close to my bday and was the only gift I got (was expensive at the time). I could also go halo which I got at the end of the year as well.
  7. We all knew this was going to happen when people at the WH got tired of telling trump no. I expect worse pardons before he leaves office.
  8. America is only allowed nice things when someone can work out how to make some money off it.
  9. I'd say some of that was even accelerated more due to COVID with stores putting an emphasis on only paying by card. Here in canada for the most part there isn't one (I know a few small stores will still try with credit cards). That is partly helped by the fact we have intrac which is a non-profit and most bank cards have interac tap integrated in them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interac
  10. Who knew that when you tell your base that is dying that they need to suck it up wasn’t a good message. Blind belief that he had some control over the matter.
  11. Problem wasn’t that they would get forgiven. It’s that companies who should get or actually needed it drained the funds where actual small businesses that needed it couldn’t get it. Then when larger companies started getting shit for it the admin started to hide who got it.
  12. I heard that story from a friend there. There was quite a few fucked up things going on at TO from what I heard.
  13. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ US tops 3 million cases
  14. I get there is an issue with people overstaying their student visa but that was a stupid idea. I'd worry less about that bit since most countries have some exception for letting back in citizens.
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