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Everything posted by chakoo

  1. Yeah. I also pointed out on Resetra a while back at the start that the Canadian dollar was not being as significantly dragged down by oil as it had in the past (as oil going negative should have hit us much harder than it did). So as things weaken in the US but slightly improve here is helping to boost the dollar.
  2. So with all the horrible shit going on in the world right now, There looks to be a tiny bright patch for canadians. The dollar has been on a solid recovery trajectory this week. So there is a good chance we might be able to recover back to north of 75c USD to 1 Cad. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/CADUSD=X?p=CADUSD=X
  3. Well it's a start but I noticed AP only has 2 photos of the 6 officers in question which looks questionable.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-minneapolis-police-congress/u-s-lawmaker-prepares-bill-aiming-to-end-court-protection-for-police-idUSKBN23831W This won't go far but it's better then thoughts and prayers coming from other politicians.
  5. At the rate this is going, this country won't even make it till november. It's in freefall with no bottom in sight.
  6. At least please tell me when you take over you'll create a place in hell for that fat fuck of a cop in the video.
  7. Since congress has shown laws and decorum are meaningless, yeah this administration can pretty much do whatever they want.
  8. I never though I would be alive to see a modern day fall of rome.
  9. Maybe time for governors to offer free tickets to send protestors to the white house?
  10. Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious by now that the police in many cities want this to continue to escalate as cover for giving them the green light to further bust some heads without recourse.
  11. I mention this on Resetra but I noticed multiple groups of them yesterday in North York (near the ikea for those in TO) just walking in packs crossing streets and hanging out in the grass next to a large parking lot.
  12. I personally like it. I think reviewers hated that it was a SRPG and the difficulty spikes are harsh but the game had great music and visuals. It's one of the few PSP games I kept when I slimmed down. I think because I never played it in the arcades but I don't really think much for KoM 2. I probably will still buy it one day for Neo CD. I have a soft spot for the first one since It was common to find it in a MVS machine growing up so I did play it from time to time.
  13. Do you have XF for psp?
  14. Huh. Earlier they said now isn't the time for this until they get the unrest under control.
  15. That is kind of interesting because I've seen them be hyper critical over stuff like this in the past. I wonder if they're too worried about getting fired atm or any previous post were mitigated early. I was a CW over in B8 for a bit, FYI.
  16. With all the shit going down in the US. Here is some at least light-hearted canadian problems instead.
  17. What I find even more crazy is all this shit is happening on top of the uttre chaos that is the government's handling of COVID. It's a tire fire on top of a massive dump fire while trump tries to lob more napalm on top of it. This really is becoming a failed nation.
  18. Trump really is a child. He is ready to burn down his soapbox because someone was allowed to correct him. Twitter can enjoy sitting in it's box full of shit that it allowed in the first place.
  19. Yep, if providers become liable they’re going to have to crackdown or update their TOS that they can come after you for damages.
  20. While they are a bunch of libertarians, what drives them is users (acquisition/retention) and ad money and if I remember correctly twitter posted in the last few years that their largest user block was liberal women. There is a point where they're going to turn sour to their user base and die out. I don't fully lump FB in this since they've been trying to spread out into other areas (mainly through acquisition plus boomers do well for them in a few divisions, Late Gen X & boomers are a big part of why portal is still a thing).
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