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Everything posted by Stickey

  1. I plan on encrypting my traffic that is going to use the ports, but should I be worried about regular internet use or when getting updates for Plex?
  2. Lol, I was super pumped for this game to come out. All I wanted to play was H2 multi since I was super hardcore about the game back in the day. So yeah, super pumped for over a year, get the game and its broken, thought to myself, they should have it up in a few hours, hours became days, days became weeks and weeks became months. All in that time Microsoft lowed the price of the game in half, gave us "free" content to make up for the disaster, and guess what! The game is still broken and they want to sell more! No. Yes I know, the salt is deep on this one.
  3. I have DuckDNS, Ill check out my router. I have an ASUS AC forgotthemodelnumber. Any tip's about open ports and security risks?
  4. Reach should be free. What makes them think they have an actual gold product to actually sell? If the standards is the way this game originally launched, then expect to pay for something they will get around to later. Thanks 343!
  5. Jesus, why the fuck are people making this look easy? The VPN would just be for myself if that makes any difference, even then I was questioning if I really needed it. So would I need, or you recommend I still have the same setup just to open a few ports?
  6. Im looking to enhance my smart home setup and in order to really do that it requires me to open ports. I've done this before for the xbox, but I havent done this for a PC. I have a Ubuntu install housing my home automation (homeassistant), Plex server, and I was also looking into setting up a VPN (Link to video). So what can happen when opening a few (3?) ports to this PC? I understand encrypting the information being send in and out, but does leaving these ports open leave the rest of my network at risk? If you have any warnings or tips to help secure things better I'd love to hear them. Thanks all!
  7. You dont need google or amazon for a smart home. I have zero interest in thinking about turning my lights on or off. Seriously, why do we even need to think about that! We have technology do so many things for us, but the light switch, nope!
  8. You should have seen the chaos here in Seattle! Reported 3-8 ins of snow and all the stores have sold out of bread and milk! We're doomed!
  9. The PC board will never be the same without the elitists PC crowd. Which everyone here shoo'd away.
  10. So was I the only one that was looking at his neck thinking it was some flabby ass cheeks or ball sack?
  11. Im looking real hard, just like the scientist. And I guess my REAL argument is we will never see an alien visit us.
  12. Ordered a bidet. Sitting will be mandatory at my home.
  13. Maybe it's just the way the picture was taken, but do you use your penis to navigate the menu?
  14. 10/10, got to see my family. Not everyone gets to do that.
  15. In the situation you put me in? Sure!
  16. Thats a hell of a fantasy to think of! I would think of it as rape and start karate chop/kick my way out of it. HIIIIIYYEEAAAAAH!
  17. And you will never see one, like ever! We are so much of nothing in the grand scheme of the universe. Maybe if you're alive long enough to live to 200 or so, you might have a shot. People born 50 years from now will see a living creature from another planet. FACTS.
  18. Are you suggesting a superior beings language doesn't matter?
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