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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Which doesn't even make sense anyway, when the people pushing that line are the same people trying to pass balanced budged amendments to make it impossible for the government to incur any debt at any time. Lol, you think households don't have any debt?
  2. It really is one of the most effective pieces of propaganda ever that so many people have internalized the idea that "we need to run the government like a business" is a thing that makes sense and is consistent with your interests if you're an average person. And it ain't just Republicans.
  3. Yeah, have there been any studies trying estimate how many people have long term effects like this? I haven't really seen anything like that reported on, and it seems like such an important question going forward.
  4. I'm not gonna pretend like I have any real expertise to know for sure, but I think we can hope that there have been real changes in the protocols for long-term care facilities that have decreased the spread there since the beginning.
  5. So we've gone all the way back around to "get mad at the Chinese until the virus goes away" as the plan?
  6. Illinois is back up to 868 cases today after we'd gotten as far down as ~500-ish at the low point, but the positive rate has been holding at 2.6%, so testing is still increasing. It's been about a week since IL reopened everything indoors w\ limited capacity regulations that are maybe not being followed strictly. I got a bad feeling we're gonna regret that in another week or two, but I guess we'll see.
  7. There's an alternate universe where everything's the same except that an NBC executive decides to pass when pitched with the idea for The Apprentice, and in that universe there's probably 100,000 more Americans alive right now.
  8. I guess you can somehow contort an argument that if you personally feel that having a mask on during a church service is inherently altering the service then your rights are being infringed. Like you think it's an affront to God if all of the call and responses sound muffled or something, I dunno.
  9. A common theory I see is that this is a test (by, like, the globalist new world order or whatever) to see what people will comply with willingly for when they do the REAL marxist stuff a few years down the line.
  10. There was a Medicaid expansion provision on the ballot in Oklahoma and it looks like it's passed by about 1%
  11. I'm not real familiar with all of the QAnon stuff, but my understanding is that a lot of the stuff they believe at this point, like JFK Jr. being alive (??), didn't even originate with the actual Q posts. It's basically a self-perpetuating religion at this point.
  12. I sincerely doubt Donald Trump himself knows what Ax Handle Saturday is, but I'm 100% sure that, say, Steven Miller knows what Ax Handle Saturday is.
  13. lol, the video is from The Villages, the giant boomer gated community in Florida . https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/06/18/florida-senior-citizens-vote-election-2018-218758
  14. 60 Minutes will report tomorrow that the FDA knowingly distributed faulty antibody tests https://www.cbsnews.com/news/federal-officials-allowed-flawed-covid-19-antibody-tests-2020-06-25/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7d&linkId=92064279
  15. We just gotta figure out what industry we can "disrupt" that hasn't been disrupted yet. Please keep in mind that said "disruption" definitely does not have to make anything easier or better for consumers, but it definitely does have to involve an app.
  16. To my knowledge, there still haven't been any confirmed cases of re-infections. When they thought people were maybe being re-infected in Korea it turned out to be people who were "shedding" the virus for a really long period of time and getting false negatives on tests before getting positives on a re-tests. I'm guessing the same thing is happening here.
  17. https://www.citizensforethics.org/doj-non-prosecution-memo/ The DOJ confirmed that there's a nine page memo explaining the reasoning behind not charging Trump with obstruction of justice, but is keeping basically the entire thing redacted except for a couple of sentences on the first page
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