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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Based on what I just saw driving, every restaurant near me that's doing outdoor patio seating is full to capacity. I guess we'll get a pretty good indicator of how safe outdoor dining is in a week or so.
  2. Yeah, the entire concept of them having certain news sites as "trusted sources" means they're considering themselves to be the arbiters of truth on some level.
  3. Not sure if causing super-spreader events inside churches is really a good long-term play for a Republican administration, but what do I know, really
  4. Here are the details of that executive order. There's a lot of language like, "task the Commerce Department to petition the Federal Communications Commission to open a rulemaking proceeding to reconsider the scope of the law," so my suspicion is that this will not actually do anything in practice, but it absolutely would break the internet if it DID do something. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/05/27/trump-twitter-executive-order/
  5. I don't --really-- think this would be possible for them to get away with, but there's like... 5% of my brain that thinks that maybe they installed a Trump loyalist as Postmaster General to try and actually tamper with the mail-in vote. Most likely it's just to try and fuck with the USPS shipping rates because of his Amazon beef, but... like I said... 5% of my brain.
  6. I think the only real way to interpret these rants against mail-in voting are as attempts to lay the groundwork for doing exactly that if he loses.
  7. At some point Trump fans are going to start interpreting these as directives to try and steal their liberal neighbors' mail to "balance the scales" or whatever
  8. https://mashable.com/article/elon-musk-statue-tulsa/ Tulsa is taking an existing statue and changing it to look like Elon Musk to try and woo Tesla to Oklahoma. Maybe the saddest thing I've seen since back when cities were putting giant novelty Amazon packages in the streets during the HQ2 competition.
  9. Well, Brazil's gonna bulldoze the rest of the rainforest while everyone's distracted. So that, uh... is horrifying.
  10. I dunno, I saw it in a reply chain. It might not even be true, but if it's out there it's basically truth to one-half of the internet by now.
  11. Apparently they may have included a murder victim as the 6th name on the list, so the COVID numbers are fake crowd is gonna whip itself into a frenzy tonight
  12. Jesus Christ. I guess we're just goin' full on fascist at this point? I don't know what else to say.
  13. It's weird that so much attention is being paid to whether or not we're going to get a second wave later when we haven't made it under 1,000 deaths a day yet in the first wave.
  14. Did he ever put out a statement about why he missed the Patriot Act reauthorization/Bill Barr gets all your porn history vote? I haven't heard anything.
  15. Yeah, a story came out right when Klobuchar entered the race detailing multiple accounts of her doing stuff like throwing staplers at people and making her staff do demeaning tasks like shave her legs. Somehow this was never referenced when there were like a hundred "Why Aren't Voters More Responsive to Klobuchar?!" pieces written up during the primary.
  16. Click through to the whole thread. The CDC is using an assumed fatality rate for it's reopening guidelines that's out of line with what basically everyone else is estimating. The CDC is just totally compromised at this point, I think.
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