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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. The CDC now thinks about 20 million Americans have had COVID based on serology tests. https://www.statnews.com/2020/06/25/cdc-broadens-guidance-on-americans-facing-risk-of-severe-covid-19/
  2. I voted nos across the board. I know there have been positive cases where I work, but not people I work with directly, and also some friends-of-friends. Not really gonna count those.
  3. Apparently there's a schism amongst the beautiful boaters
  4. Vaguely military-ish looking guys with no visible ID on them are back in DC
  5. It's definitely self-important enough in tone from the parts I skimmed
  6. I've only filled up my gas tank once since I started working from home in March. So I blame everyone else except me for this.
  7. Jesus, I read the first sentence and this is already insufferable Multiplicity AND volume of challenges? Just say that there's a lot of challenges, dude. Purple-ass prose.
  8. The ramp is such a Streisand effect thing. As much as I'm on Twitter, I hadn't heard about it until after he wrote his first tweet about it and people were reacting to his tweet.
  9. lol, yeah I know they're already tossing out that as an explanation too but that doesn't mean Trump's not gonna invent his own explanation when he's online at 3 AM tonight. Imagine risking the health of you and everyone around you to sit through this
  10. I can imagine Trump trying to construct a story wherein a lot of attendees didn't get the memo that the rally was switched from the 19th to the 20th, and that his only mistake was trying to appease the libs by not holding the rally on Juneteenth.
  11. Looks like the lower level is almost full with the upper deck nearly empty, which just adds to the cosmic joke of all this. It ended up being sparsely attended enough that you could spread out and at least attempt some measure of social distancing, but they're just gonna crowd in as close as possible.
  12. I gotta say, I genuinely didn't expect this. I don't know if this is more an indication of general enthusiasm for Trump plummeting, or if there's a lot more fear of the virus among the MAGA crowd than you'd think despite how loud the loudest COVID-is-a-hoax voices have been.
  13. Very on brand for Trump to cancel the one part of this thing that you could maybe make the case was reasonably safe to do.
  14. Think about how many years we've been posting the Bugs Bunny saws off Florida gif for various reasons. How little we knew about the levels of Floridaness that Florida could reach.
  15. So for these keeping score at home, We had the Shadow app breaking in Iowa and provably incorrect results being certified for some sites, the massive lines in Georgia, the Wisconsin primary where a Supreme Court working remotely due to a pandemic told people they had to show and vote in person in the middle of said pandemic. Now this. We don't have fairly conducted elections in this country, full stop. Whatever minimum criteria you want to set for what a free democracy's elections should look like, it's hard to make the argument that we're meeting them right now.
  16. Imagine being named Bernie Porn and trying to Google anything about yourself
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