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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I'm in Japan right now and it's like 99% masks (except for foreigners). And it's everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  2. So, when do the Ron Paul's of the world start telling everyone to invest in gold again? I think it's been a few years since my city has had a Cash4Gold store, we gonna see those open up?
  3. Moves like this really aren't a bad thing. it's only 500 positions and it's people volunteering. Plus, one month pay per year of service as severance is a damn good deal.
  4. I got tickets to Australia/South Korea and Japan/China tomorrow. Just arrived in Japan and on my way to the hotel now.
  5. How much benefit do you think Valve derives from allowing "Sex with Hitler" on Steam?
  6. Is that banner supposed to be pro-Nazi or is it trying to associate the governor with Nazi's?
  7. I'm going to Japan on Tuesday. First time going back since 2019/Covid, but this will be my 7th time overall. Love visiting, and everyone should visit Hiroshima if they have the chance to. Both times I visited Hiroshima previously the Peace Museum has been under renovations and only partially open, so I can't wait to see it in its entirety.
  8. He already prostrated himself to Modi over the BBC documentary. I'm sure with Xi he'll give up his weirdly named son as an offering.
  9. At some point the FBI should just say "fuck it" and get a warrant to turn every Trump property inside out. Tear the walls down to the frames. Dig up his dead wife's grave and probably the graves of any other dead family members for good measure.
  10. I don't post nearly as much as a lot of people on this board and post less than I did years ago. I'm honestly not a chatty person in general, whether that's on social media or in real life. But I do read and follow along daily, and it would certainly be a very dark day if these boards were no longer around. Whether in this form, or the previous name they went under (I can't even remember, Bad Cartridge? Am I making that name up?), or all the way back to the IGN boards it's certainly been a fabulously stabilizing force in my life and happy that its always been there.
  11. I loved Dilbert growing up and owned multiple Dilbert books. It really is quite insane how someone could descend into full, mask-off racist like this. It just doesn't seem natural.
  12. Pretty sure plenty of people on this board have been saying you're not God's Light for years, finally they get some redemption.
  13. My Twitter usage has certainly dropped about 75% since Musk took over. I barely post anything, and only check my feed maybe couple of times a week.
  14. There's an entire army of wacky, wavey, inflatable tube men constantly patrolling the skies over North America.
  15. Samsung phone? The Samsung keyboard he been causing problems here and on ResetERA. Didabling predictive text seems to fix it, but obviously you lose that and autocorrect. Edit - I'm going to leave the misspelling there, but obviously having predictive text turned on would have made it so I could spell "disabling" correctly.
  16. I hope Xenonauts 2 is good. I Kickstarted the first game and when it finally came out I was just so wrapped up in other games that I never even gave it a shot. Little worried because there's like a half dozen games in the next month or so that I'm excited about, don't want to let Xenonauts slip through again.
  17. I'm sure any day now MTG and Gaetzy will scream about how we didn't catch these earlier because our military is too woke or something.
  18. I believe I mentioned it on this board around when it happened, but my grandpa passed away back in 2019 of his own volition. He stopped eating and drinking (VSED, Terminal Dehydration, couple other terms for it). He was diagnosed in his 40s with MS, was told he probably wouldn't live past 65, and ended up living until his early 80s. But he had seen his two siblings go through an unpleasant end-of-life situation and didn't want that himself. He had been obviously dealing with the symptoms of MS, he had started to developer serious shoulder pain and weakness (which led to more frequent falls) from decades of having to lift his body out of his chair to get in/out of bed or use the toilet, plus youngest of the grandkids had just graduated college and now everyone was kind of an adult and on their own, he decided it was a good time to just go out on his own terms.
  19. I believe someone on Era mentioned this technically is the first official air-to-air victory in the F-22's history.
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