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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I'm in the midst of a promotion, but the way the company works is that they essentially post a new job that you have to apply for an interview with, even if that job posting was essentially created for only one applicant. The previous time I went through that it was a brief phone interview with HR then an "interview" with my current manager, very informal. New policy now is that you have to interview with the hiring manager (obvious) and at least one woman and one POC. Already "interviewed" with my current manager, the woman will be my previous manager of 10 years, and then the POC will be another guy I've kind of worked with for a while.
  2. Honestly I've always thought of store-level unions as untenable. Packing up an entire factory and moving it, while not impossible, still a requires a lot of effort compared to just closing a single store down. Should be pushing for unionization on either a state-level or at least major city level. Hell, my city of 30k has SIX Starbucks. Two full locations, two locations in grocery stores, and two in the mall.
  3. I use an Echo Plus (and a bunch of other Echo devices) to control a lot of stuff in my house. Lights, thermostat, garage door, front door lock, etc. I would hope that doesn't go away, but I certainly don't understand how you would monetize it without just a straight subscription service to set up routines and stuff.
  4. Apparently new mandate from CBS and their properties is that they will no longer be active on Twitter.
  5. So what's going to be the endgame here? Musk tries to sell the charred husk of Twitter to KSA or China?
  6. Isn't the US constantly running AWACS in NATO airspace around Ukraine? I assume they'd be tracking everything getting fired into or from Ukraine and would probably have a good idea of the flight path of these missiles.
  7. The Flanders kids should be Ben Shapiro and the small face Turning Point guy that I forgot his name.
  8. Well, 47 "actual" Democrats if you take out Sinema and Machin
  9. I don't know what voting looks like in other states, but all my votes in Illinois are a simple fill-in-the-bubble on a sheet and then you scan it into a machine. Seems like a simple and fast system.
  10. I refuse to believe that Trump knows what "sanctimonious" means or how to pronounce it properly.
  11. And in the case of 2K/Private Division, they're inexplicably making new launchers!
  12. I have a sore throat. For me, a sore throat is almost always the precursor to getting more sick. I'll be super bummed if I wake up with a fever and chills and get covid again.
  13. In 6 months there's going to be a half dozen Twitter alternatives and in a year or so one of them will probably be viable.
  14. Cool. It took me like three tries to get into the first Witcher game because of how janky it was. I eventually got through and enjoyed it tremendously, but the jank has certainly kept me from playing it again.
  15. I last flew back in January of 2021. I went to Hawaii even though I didn't really want to, but my mom was too stubborn to cancel a planned family trip and didn't feel comfortable letting her go alone (she was dealing with hip problems that she had surgery for a few months later). The one nice thing was that our outbound flights got upgraded to first class. And since its a long haul flight to Hawaii on a 777, it was the full-on pod with seats that lay completely flat. For someone who is 6'4" that was really nice. I do plan on going back to Japan in March, so that'll be something to look forward to. And while actually sitting on a plane isn't exactly comfortable for me, I'm one of the few that actually enjoys going to the airport. Mostly because I'm the kind of person who arrives well ahead of time and just like to chill out. I always chuckle when I see people stressed out and rushing around. I'm sure some of it is people in a tight layover, but for most people having to go to an airport is not some last-minute decision. Be prepared, have all your stuff ready, leave as early as you can.
  16. When I worked at a private golf course we'd get a guy who would come by in the afternoon to practice and he'd always go out with a Styrofoam cup filled with ice and a couple Miller Lites that he poured into it.
  17. Pizza is healthy because it has pizza sauce, which is made of tomatoes. So kids are getting a serving of tomatoes with pizza. That means its healthy.
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