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Everything posted by Biggie

  1. Picked up a 6 of Voo Doo Ranger Juicy Haze. Little bit lower ABV % but I think it tastes better than the Imperial. What say you @The def star
  2. Frames per second. PC version is superior in every way. Console gamers enjoy being satisfied with sub par specs. Why would anyone accept anything other than 60 FPS and the best graphics money can buy? This is basically every thing about every game.
  3. Back to the game. Just watched a couple of PS4 reviews and I’m super excited to play this. Looks fabulous.
  4. Just like some people say yeah this game is awesome and it’s soooo fun..........he says the same things when criticizing games. Lol. Sooooo I wouldn’t say he brings excellent variety to the boards.
  5. Playing MH Generations on the Switch. Madden 19 Franchise on PS4Pro
  6. I watched some Twitch streams last night of this game and it looks so fun! @Hurdyb1
  7. Cool. Cause I love video games. I’m feel the same way about certain gamers who seem to enjoy bashing games more then playing them and enjoying them.
  8. I mean it’s Dragon Quest. It’s always going to have the sane gameplay formula. So I don’t know what you’re expecting.
  9. Claims to not like any of the Dragon Quests games in a long line of DQ entries. Pre-orders Dragon Quest XI.
  10. I don’t like comic book super hero movies either. Probably has something to do with that. I really don’t watch any movies tbh.
  11. I try to avoid public bathrooms unless it’s a emergency.
  12. So it’s pretty fun eh? How much is it for PS4?
  13. Could have sworn you did. So I’m guessing you’re not going to play it or going PC?
  14. Well I never used voice chat while hunting with randoms in World so I don’t mind.
  15. I love the smaller maps and how areas are separated. I don’t really miss the QoL things from World either tbh.
  16. Went online last night for the first time and completed 3 quests with randoms. Online is very smooth and lag free. Good stuff man.
  17. Now class for our first lesson we will begin with a quote from a very famous American. A Mr. Samuel L. Jackson. English Mother Fucker!! Do you speak it??
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