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Everything posted by Zaku3

  1. Yes shotgun should be for lickers. Save Magnum ammo for late game bosses or the G mutants. I had enough ammo from crafting and finding mag ammo to deal the final bosses.
  2. Oo try to learn to avoid zombies. Like even with Mr. X you should be able to say not kill the zombies in the library. Maybe a few bullets to drop one if you aggro them while doing the puzzle. Use boards to board up windows ASAP to prevent a new zombie from spawning and keep in mind when you see a zombie first ask can you avoid them. Be careful about certain areas where lickers can spawn. You should ideally clear out those hallways. You might be able to dodge lickere since they rely on sound and if you slow walk and not bump them you can probably dodge em.
  3. Go for critical headshots. When using the pistols wait for the crosshair to tighten. Not sure how hard it would be with a controller but I was headshots for days on the PC. You can also RE4 knife enemies that are downed but the knives don't last for long.
  4. I love Nintendo but I don't really value SP games enough to spend 70 bucks unless it's RE4/Elden Ring tier. I'll buy it still just hope performance is on par with BOTW1.
  5. Assuming I fix stuff with my exwife or find someone else ya I'm not looking forward to shit. So hopefully I find someone that doesn't mind that and I can do throw up duty.
  6. That's like my favorite one and it's been downhill ever since. I do like the others but I have a mancrush on RE4 Leon. Fuk I think I just talked myself into playing RE4 HD project this year. Didn't do it last year since I beat I think the Switch RE4 last year. I was contemplating streaming RE4 PC with the HD mod and then streaming RE4make after. It takes me about 12-15 hours to beat RE4 so I can start it like the weekend before release. Do we still have the D1P twitch channel or should I use my own?
  7. I wish we got more RE4 era movies. Not a fan of dudebro Leon.
  8. That is fine but you aren't scare about it now but that doesn't mean that isn't a grim dark future but yes do you. My statement is more about people not really thinking about stuff like that and more of the a baby would cramp my style/take up too much of my disposable income. Just a thought I had while on weed. It might not be a galaxy brain strat in fairness. I do try to check things out when I'm sober cuz there is a fine line between thinking outside of the box and thinking while wearing a box on your head.
  9. Oo sorry mah bad I didnt actually read to deeply into it so I didn't know that it was a hole that was blown in the pipelines. Was it multiple holes or just like one big one on each pipeline? To back you up ya no way an accident or natural wear and tear would make holes in 3 seperate pipelines at the same time. But ya if I had to pick between Russia and the US. I'd consider the US the more likely because denying Russia the ability to supply natural gas to Europe benefits the US more then Russia. Ok back to my House MD marathon. I love Sherlock Holmes and the guy that gave me a 2nd opinion thinks lupus might be what's causing my swolen lymph nodes. Made my primary laugh when I told him from what I remember from House it's never Lupus until you can fully prove it's lupus. Surgery is set for Feb 20th.
  10. I find the stories better personally. The 2nd runs with actual effort put into them is nice. Claire A to Leon B is the best story in RE2 based on my previous experiences. I need to get back to playing this actually. I beat Claire A with the mod I assume you used though mine was via the NGC version. Also for people that don't like the tank controls. The HD versions of Zero and REmake have normal controls available. I don't like it because what is forward will change based on the camera angle. Probably just need more time to get used to it. Btw RE0 and REmake are hard actually they all are to a certain extent. Could just be just being rusty from old school survival horror games. Still there are mods for RE2 and RE3 to make em look better and it's not like the games are on sale so knock yourself out. Capcom should just buy the mods out and sell them tbh. REmake does what RE1 does but expands on it so beyond wanting to see what it was like during it's initial release there isn't much of a reason to play RE1. That's not the case with RE2/RE3. I expect RE4 to be great but the OG one is like one of the greatest games ever made. It's the only SP game i feel comfortable replaying.
  11. Occam's razor says its an accident but it's kinda sus that it happened during all this tension. We may never truly know the truth unless someone finds like the order for this in a Russian archive in the future or the US is forced to admit it which is unlikely since the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of the state. But is being an accident is the simplest explaination. The guy's track record is mixed though and he does have an anti-US bias based on what Cayce posted.
  12. Need to try that Petrogyph ww1 game.
  13. Finally mailed out the 7900XTX. Waiting for my replacement.
  14. I liked RE3R. Yes you should play them but I do want to advise this isn't a REmake situation. I still consider the PS1 ones worth playing due to the differences.
  15. No just that technically humanity works by gen A needing Gen B to take care of them so like you raise your kid and assuming you aren't a terrible parent (my father) they should pay you back when you are older. I understand in that I'm still hesistant about how grim dark the universe but I see people like that and it's got to suck. Like older people that have no one to help them or they call us to talk to someone. That's the future you gonna get if you don't have progeny. YMMV but if the chance of eternal damnation in hell wasn't any number more then zero i'd probably just shoot myself at that point.
  16. Someone may be able to take my spot. Found this amazing Brazilian model so I am debating if I should attempt to find an equivalent woman that doesnt have over 2 mil followers on IG so I can married. Planning is still ongoing. Edit: After 5 years of surgery I still do technically love my ex-wife still and to change your life you gotta do different things. I do need to visit my grandma that past about 4 years ago. Didn't because I didnt want to deal wit like not seeing my ex and my old in laws but I'm ready so I want to go this year. Would be for a weekend and I think I'll see if she wants to see me. Will stay longer if things go well. Can be there for just a weekend and nothing positive happening between us would be pretty solid evidence that she ain't for me.
  17. Since everything is such a commodity to be bought and sold that I agree with this. Before you needed alot of kids because only so many would survive but now you can effectively control when you want to have kids. Since everythjng is so expensive in our ever worsing neoliberal hellscape eventually having a child becomes a luxury of wealth. Also I imagine most people have some sort of traumatic childhood so like after 5 years of therapy about to turn 37 in March I feel as "ready" as a person can be to have a child. Also I'd eat my hate if this is another American century. Our country has too many contradictions in the system that nobody really cares enough to solve or you can't solve it fast enough for things to not fall apart. The solution was to never let things get this bad in the first place. I have 17ish years to retire at Vz with a full pension and I don't think this country has 17 years in it. Hopefully I'm wrong and it's got 20 so I can just move in with @CitizenVectron after I earned a pension. If we are around as a country in 20 years time and not a fascist dictatorship then we are the luckiest civ to ever exist but everyone's luck runs out eventually.
  18. I'm suprised my random punt on a game actually seems to be not a bad choice. I got it via voidu's 30% off sale.
  19. I have softened my stance since @sblfilms pointed out it is kinda rascist that this is a problem with Arab billionaires but somehow cool if it's a western billionaire. But I'm not gonna front it is as the kids say sus that a team that was basically irrelevant aside from local fans and the odd international fans prior to 2008 makes more money then Real Madrid. Like I know the league has stupid money but I don't think plastic fans alone could cause that. Could be wrong of course and will admit it if I get proven otherwise. Edit: It's hard to make money in soccer. Like it was okay before but you do run into more resistance from football fans abroad then in America. Plus it's gonna be really hard to compete with teams that are owned by states that don't care if they profit from the venture but use it for sportswashing and asset diversification. Imagine the FSG and Glazier rumors are them realizing it's not worth fighting unlimited money to make money. Just the money PSG and City can throw around is unsustainable unless you have creative accounting I imagine.
  20. Unironically think I need to start a cartel not gonna lie.
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