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Everything posted by Zaku3

  1. He has in escense crossed the Rubicon. There is no going back even if he gets locked up. Hell he is only in this position cuz he answers the question. What if Julius Ceasar wasn't a genius?
  2. Why does this exist? Jesus capitalism get it together. How are you gonna make a tempered glass mouse pad and not give it cool RGB? Only logical reason is to make people buy this then buy the RGB version. Just keep my Corsair RGB mouse pad.
  3. Oil is what they are extracting now and it's more valuable I imagine then simply solar energy. Oil is used in more then just energy. Also I love the idea of solar but I don't know what would be the blowback from filling a desert with solar panels. So on buildings, in parking lots, etc sure. Building them out in the middle of no where seems inefficent. Might as well keep developing fission and fusion reactors to see where that goes.
  4. My mom's pension from Passaic county is insanely good. Once she pays her pension loan which should be this month or next month. 6k monthly until she dies and there seems to be some type of survivor's benefit. Don't have the details but if I decide to move to be with my ex I'll be aight one way or another. I could have gone to college and gotteb one myself but depression and anxiety basically fucked up my life. I have one from VZ. I think full pension is 20 more years for me. I just don't derive enough happiness from my life LTD so I need something bigger then myself to want to hit that 20 years. Also grim dark 20 years is a long time and I don't think our status quo had 20 years in it which is another concern.
  5. Agreed. Unfortunately I can't get off of this rock. Also @sblfilms I'm gonna one up you and throw down the gaunlet. If you are putting in your bio happily married, are you telling that to yourself or others? But yes you shouldn't feel the need to tell someone unless someone asks.
  6. It's a good Civ clone. Crap I need to go back to continue being not space elves.
  7. I have a therapist mandated and approved mission to visit ny grabdna's grave and see what's good with my ex-wife. I am happy to say I was wrong and found a better cause helping a socialist revolution in France.
  8. I should be super active in that dems and latin thread but stuff like this reminds me it doesn't matter. If we refuse to solve this then we aren't solving problems harder then this. Depressing.
  9. OMG they have a Commander Cody. Wait is that FFG still around? I'd buy like the starter set for the minis.
  10. You are dealing with people in their home countries. The dudes here listen to US propaganda. Cubans legit think that all they gotta do and get rid of the communist government and the island will magically have the US standard of living. Problem is Cuba is the kind of country the US keeps poor to enrich itself. I have two friends that are Puerto Rican and the other is Argentinian. They are both MAGA and hell I got started on my journey because the Argentinian had a comic of Che. Dude legit told me I should be killed for being a socialist. Trump gets points for "saying it like it is", tough guy persona, and successful man. The immigrant issue is they feel Trump is talking about the people that cross the border. Not Cubans fleeing Castro or legal immigration to the states. Btw guys I need evidence. Have a hypothesis that my MAGA friends being dudes that can be mistaken for white isn't a coincidence. (Not saying that cant happen but I imagine you'd be more likely to support him.)
  11. It's only super weird if you don't know why the US backed those dictators. It comes with the territory of trying to stop communism. Thus Cubans, Venezuelans, and my Colombian mother freaking out about me being a socialist. Lol
  12. Play today if you'd like Champion's League should be done by 6pm.
  13. YOLO'ed on a Walkman. It's not worth whay they charge per say but I'd say the audio quality seems flat out better. I'd buy an audiophile phone if it matched the walkman's audio quality. Could also be my open ear headphones being amazing. Hard to tell when your phone lacks a 3.5mm jack. (Thank Apple)
  14. Too hyped to look for the OT. @BloodyHell I have the forgeworld book that gave us an 8th Ed Chaos Dwarf army.
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