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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I was looking at a Ioniq 5 or EV6 and it’s impossible to find one without a stupid markup. I almost bought a Tesla a few times due to how easy it is to buy and finance. FWD are better in snow due to where the engine is located in ICEs. This is not the case of EVs. If you get a good set of winter tires, you will be fine.
  2. That’s technology. There is always something new right around the corner.
  3. Phase has been pretty consistent in his love of bad games but stepee is taking it to new heights ever since that car ran him over. I think he took the crown for now.
  4. With PC being integral to devs and pubs, consoles need to be on a 3 year cycle. I, for one, am all for it.
  5. It’s official. No one likes jank more than @stepee on these forums. Sorry @Mr.Vic20 and @Phaseknox
  6. Sega executive be like, “kids love twitch so let’s release videos of our worst employee playing the game to generate hype.” Give us a tight 2 minute trailer and drop a demo. It ain’t hard Sega.
  7. @Commissar SFLUFAN pretty sure this one of your favorites as well
  8. Yankees destroy Ohtani and sweep the Angels. @sblfilms you are welcome
  9. North East is the best. Enjoy your forest fires and draughts bud.
  10. I didn’t realize this is at 6pm est. that’s a garbage time for the east coast.
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