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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. We have a different perspective, for sure. I don't mind any references to the original game's happenings, since it's been long enough and a lot of the twists are common knowledge. And its still a great game. Although I do feel somewhat bad for people at the end of remake lacking context. It's the stuff like this that bothers me. Just in the past week, I've learned about all sorts of things I would have never considered to be brought in, or even knew about like the existence of like the novel. Remake limits itself to one game, maybe two if you count Crisis Core. Rebirth, the references and inside knowledge keeps coming... PSA: A Final Fantasy VII Spin-Off You Didn't Play Matters In Rebirth KOTAKU.COM No spoilers, but you should catch up on The First Soldier and Ever Crisis before jumping in
  2. I won’t say no in that case. Could you PM me it?
  3. Their responsibility is to make money, yes. I buy less of their games as a result of them getting too greedy this gen, so in that respect, they’re losing me. I’m aware I’m probably an outlier considering the records they’re shattering. The question I have is if their pricing policies will ever come back to bite them in future generations. Switch 2 can’t rely on monopolizing the handheld space in the same way. They’re not in a bad position by any means, but it’s telling people this is what they’re about, when the future is subscription leaning. And where so many other libraries (with more reasonable discounts) can now be carried with you portably. They also have a responsibility to stay relevant in this environment. I look forward to seeing their case for that.
  4. I’d argue that the desire to do so largely stems from the desire for a Switch Pro model that never materialized. And now that there’s viable dedicated handheld PCs out there, I think Nintendo’s stewing.
  5. It’s true that you always have that choice as someone who purchases entertainment. (And less of a choice as someone who needs groceries) That said, I don’t think any of these companies plan to keep their online subscriptions in line with inflation. With subscription bases tapped, their responsibility to the shareholders is to squeeze us for more of what they can. Where I take issue with Nintendo’s game pricing is that I can’t afford to be a fan of theirs like I once was. Even when my gaming budget and income has changed for the better. That simply can’t be chalked up to inflation, but to Nintendo not discounting in the way they once did. And yes, I buy a ton more games elsewhere as a result. I am voting with my wallet. At least with console pricing, there’s material forces that dictate them staying close to full price these days. The games? Nintendo is largely alone in their discount policy. Even Rockstar games see deeper discounts years in.
  6. I take issue because I’m a fan. Let’s put this another way: If they doubled or tripled the price of their online subscriptions overnight, would you say it’s not their responsibility to make it affordable?
  7. Yes that’s the deal, same with console modding. I won’t pretend otherwise. Even though preservation is a part of that. Same with it being a fail safe if your console dies, as has happened with quite a number of Wii U’s. It does not negate the fact that they need to treat their consumers better. They prefer to go after pirates than discount and preserve.
  8. Without emulation/modding, it's now impossible to play some of these games if you missed that window. Cherry on top, only Capcom had the gall to do decent going-away discounts. Nothing you say won't make the whole thing dumb.
  9. Having a patreon that unlocks builds is skirting the line a bit. No idea if they could legally go after them for that. The emulator itself could be squeaky clean but they’re still using the Switch ecosystem to make money essentially. But hopefully you’re right.
  10. Did you unlock game keys, or were charged? You can still cancel right now if not.
  11. I'm conflicted. I really enjoyed Teslagrad 1 for being a breezy, fun, Metroidvania-lite with ingenious gravity mechanics. And all that is still here, as strong as ever, with new powerups and abilities. So if you enjoyed the first game, it's more of everything that made that good, with even better art. Teslagrad 2 does further awesome things with movement. It plays like a cross between Yoku and Sonic once you get a certain powerup. Mix that in with the gravity mechanics, and wow, it's cool. The bosses can be frustrating however, and feel like they don't always gel with the floaty controls. The first game's weren't amazing either, but it feels like they're a disproportionate part of the game in 2. Secrets are very well hidden, but there's a total of 5 abilities that are of absolutely no help to completing the game's through line. Especially when its is so short, what's the point? It's bad design. The story is also poorly presented and harder to get into than Teslagrad 1's. It's still worth playing, but probably not as good as the original, in spite of the areas it surpasses it. 7.5/10 2024 Games Final Fantasy XVI - 8.5/10 Tinykin - 8/10 Evan's Remains - 7.5/10 Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion - 7/10 Castle of Illusion Remake - 7.5/10 FF7R Episode Intermission - 8.5/10 Telsagrad 2 - 7.5/10
  12. So I'm thinking of downloading Yuzu for the first time now, just in case some shit goes down. Thanks Nintendo.
  13. More like fumble it in the way we should expect by now, lol. But I think they make their point clear enough about the DLC tying directly in. Even if they're wrong about it being all that "important," a youtube summary would probably be good idea to watch at the least. Just in case. There's nothing wrong with a series leaning into this stuff. I loved every second of XB3's Future Redeemed DLC for example, even though it requires 200+ hours of RPG backdrop to set itself up. And I'd strongly recommend someone who hadn't beaten the three games to hold back, because the lore is entirely responsible for its biggest impact moment. Where I honestly get frustrated here is that so much of the secondary FF7 material is middling. I'm not going to tell anyone to play Dirge of Cerberus for context for example. Or even Crisis Core. But the Intermission DLC, as a game, shouldn't be skipped. It's great fun, and as a bonus, should partially prepare us for the extent they could deviate from og. Or that it likely will, if the direct tie in comments are believed.
  14. I don't think I can spell it out more directly than Giant Bomb said it. Timestamp is given: "Yes, episode Intermission plays into this directly." "Important stuff in the story... I guess that explains why Yuffie surprised you so much." "There's some stuff she references specifically that is very important." Grain of salt and all that. They've played it, we haven't.
  15. Also, there's a $8 coupon for this now if you check your account page. I'm much more tempted now.
  16. Fanatical got me on some more obscure stuff this past week. Spent $16 on a few different 3 game bundles.
  17. They would rather sell their budget games for slightly less up front than sell anything retail under $30. Most AAA games dip below that mark by two years after release. Even the ones that hold value relatively well.
  18. It took them 6+ years of the Switch to cut any full price game they published by 50% in an official capacity. That’s entirely unprecedented. People are right to be put off by it.
  19. It could be. It could also be messy and taken as prior knowledge, as the end of Remake was for someone who didn’t know og FF7. They’re not above doing it, I don’t trust them to properly contextualize to catch people up.
  20. It’s literally impossible to know right now unless you have full game spoilers. They could lean into characters in Crisis Core. They could lean into the characters in the DLC. They could do both. Both would be a departure from og FF7 and Remake lore, not counting the DLC. Crisis Core also elaborates some of the beats you should already know from the PS1 days, but perhaps not in such consequential ways. At least not on the surface of things, IMO.
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