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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. JRPGs are like buttholes. How much you enjoy them all depends on how you approach them.
  2. Vesperia's definitely better than Symphonia, but I'd recommend Tales of Arise over any other Tales game. But I find most Tales games to be supremely mid, so to me, Tales of Arise rising above all that midness is an accomplishment in and of itself.
  3. You should list and submit them to DF then, because I haven't seen much worse besides like random no name shit no one actually cares about, and I would absolutely not be interested in DF content covering Revenge Strike 2: Redeemed Redemption or whatever.
  4. Even in the DF video you can see very long stutters. The stutters all have some weird variance to them, which makes them even more distracting. I mean if it didn't bother you, it didn't bother you, but it bothered the shit out of me, and as I care about Dead Space far more than shitty ass Last of Us or Wild Farts, it makes Dead Space the #1 worst port of the year for me personally.
  5. And in my case, it was skipping it. It's too much, too often, and its predecessor never had the issue. If we just had a mod or something that forced it to load the next 7 rooms or something or all rooms in a set radius, so maybe overall performance dropped or it used more VRAM, but you dealt with a single stutter once every 20 minutes or something, I would be largely fine with it. But every door? Every hallway? It's too much!
  6. The stutter in Dead Space is total dogshit on PC, and if you can't notice it, that lack of basic perception is impressive. Literally any time you get near any door in the game (hint: the game is fucking full of doors) or hit certain load trigger points (usually these are next to doors, sometimes they're halfway down a hallway) you get a quite noticeable stutter. Certain areas are much worse than others, but you're not escaping it no matter your hardware. It's ever-present and completely kills the atmosphere for me. It's like a scratched up DVD, just stutter after stutter after stutter. I cranked all the settings to minimum, set the game to the lowest possible resolution and even tossed on a 30 FPS cap and you still get the stutters. And that's on a 7GB/s SSD! Game actually made a pretty good first impression on me, saw some stutter but figured they might've been one-offs or shader compilation. The game when not stuttering runs beautifully at a very high FPS at max settings. Then I played and realized the stutters not only weren't going away, but getting worse the farther into the game you got. It suuuucked. It'd be an amazing port if they fixed that singular issue, but they clearly never will.
  7. I mean if it was up to me, I would've just had multiple groups, each with one game. But I get it. "The Gollum group is under strict surveillance to protect them from self-harm following 6 weeks of play."
  8. I like how the study was "3D video games" but they only used a single game and since that's all they used the headlines are just about Super Mario Odyssey in particular.
  9. I'm playing through the 3DS Pokemon games, so this kinda fuckin' sucks for me. Goddamn console walled garden bullshit.
  10. Also in looking for that image I found this one in the same thread. What a fuckin' game, man.
  11. Don't you mean 3?? (I know only 2 can be on your ship at once, but it's still hilarious.)
  12. Returnal was a similar concept superficially, but very different what I'm talking about. Because the game is shooty shooty bang bang, everything that changes is essentially a noninteractive cutscene. I think it would be cool in Dark Souls specifically because you interact with characters and their little storylines can play out very differently. And since characters are so vague and almost alien, it would actually feel "normal" for this to happen. Also think it would be cool to hide some meta (meta as in over the course of multiple NG+ playthroughs) quest line with a character or two. To me, the concept fell flat on its ass in Starfield because all the characters are so bland that you just don't care about them, so weird things changing each playthrough isn't cool or novel to most players, it's just kind of a wasted idea.
  13. Well, no. Garfield was made specifically to be monetized. He wasn't created and later monetized. Garfield's entire existence is cynical, and Jim Davis is quite open about that.
  14. You really gonna use this thread title and not post the song? Youtube age restricts it but it's the thought that counts!
  15. Yes, it's fine. More of a peking pork fan myself. Not a fan of any rice dishes and I think Japanese veggie dishes are way better, so it's a real mixed bag if we get Chinese. That and the rising prices mean it's not an easy fun cheap food anymore, it's just as pricey as everything else. General Tso's Chicken is not a rice dish. It is often served on top of rice or with a side of rice, but you can also get it without, especially at places that box rice separately. Love most eggrolls (with sweet and sour sauce) but man, spring rolls suck ass, they're yard clipping burritos.
  16. Wish I liked more Chinese food. I like a few dishes, but I've never liked rice of any type and that's always like, half the meal. Sadly going for more meat always makes it much more expensive.
  17. Think about it, characters often have unclear motives, are difficult to follow even for quests, and often betray the player or each other. What if Patches was good one run but you killed him anyway out of habit? Maybe they could even do one NG+ where none of them laugh. Like NG+99 or something.
  18. Hm? Protontricks has always launched for me. Takes about 30 seconds to pop up a window for some reason, but works every time. Just memorized those steps and did them while on the toilet, game runs flawlessly!
  19. Yeah, looks like it still requires protontricks, but apparently runs at a solid 60 on Deck once set up. According to the most recent ProtonDB post: Maybe I'll set it up. I got it when it came out and it seemed cool, but I dropped it very quickly for a reason I can't remember, and have totally forgotten about it until now.
  20. Anyone building a PC for the first time should livestream it to us so we can yell at you how to do it properly.
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