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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. The fact that people are still unironically calling them "Trump supporters" instead of Trump Fanatics or Zealots is amazing to me. There is nothing normal about this kind of submission of your entire self and your way of life to whatever a politician says. It's really disturbing. No one should treat any other human being on Earth like these people treat Trump, let alone someone as completely fucking useless as Trump himself.
  2. Sony willing to pay $5 million so people on PC can't play RE7 in VR seems like a tremendously stupid waste of Sony's resources. Not like Xbox had VR.
  3. Pretty much. I wonder if these weird minor wins for the PS5 will keep up, though. It strikes me as incredibly bizarre that there'd be much of a difference at all since they're essentially the same exact system but with the Series X being more powerful and the PS5 having a faster SSD, which with these games really shouldn't matter much since they're cross-gen and not designed from the ground up for them. Seems like either people are developing primarily for PS5 first (which, again, wouldn't make much sense... damn near same hardware) or MS has got something funky going on with their firmware or drivers or something.
  4. Maybe it's intentional, to have you feel less safe when fiddling with your equipment.
  5. I mean, you can always just show them the shit the South was writing at the time. No debate needed. For cause and comrades : why men fought in the Civil War : McPherson, James M : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ARCHIVE.ORG Includes bibliographical references (p. 189-232) and index There are no secrets here. It was obvious, and it was yelled from the fucking rooftops.
  6. You might want to wear a seat belt, it's gonna be whiplash-inducing going from a game like RDR2 to one where moving the control stick visibly moves the character on-screen at the same time.
  7. Beat Astro's Playroom, or at least saw credits. Not sure if I'll go back and get all the artifacts and puzzle pieces. Was a fun little semi-tech demo, but wasn't exactly mind-blowing like some people were talking about. I guess it's because for me none of these features on the controller are exactly new. The adaptive triggers just reminded me of a slightly more advanced version of old racing wheels that could provide resistance and even move themselves, the "super omega HD rumble" feels exactly like the haptics that the Steam Controller has been using for 5 years now, and otherwise it's just kind of a nice, normal controller. Not that any of those are bad things, mind you, putting them all into one modern controller (as opposed to the Steam controller that no one uses) makes for some very cool possibilities (almost undoubtedly for first-party exclusives only unless MS adopts them for a mid-gen controller refresh) but each individual feature wasn't very new to me. The most memorable part for me wasn't any of the controller stuff, it was the dumb GPU-themed song which I found very amusing, if for no other reason than someone wrote a song about the concept of a GPU. Demon's Souls has been pretty fun. The fast loads feel really impressive, but when I sat down and thought about it, it didn't make any sense. From my memory, it didn't load any faster than I remember Souls games on PC loading. But it felt... different. So I loaded up Dark Souls 2 on PC (I didn't have 3 installed and didn't feel like installing it just to test this, but I remember its load times being very similar if not identical) and lo and behold, loading into the game, teleporting between bonfires was just as quick, quicker even as you don't have to wait for an animation to play out. Then it hit me, it was the animation that made it feel different. Because these consoles will have real SSDs, games will have to take that account when dealing with loading. On PC we've had super fast loading for what feels like an eternity, but it's always jarring because the games aren't designed around it. So you get a cut to black, or a split second of a loading screen filled with text meant to entertain some poor sap who has to start at it for 45+ seconds if they've got nothing else going on. The animation of you turning into ectoplasm or whatever and the fog rolling in and then the animation completing on the other side makes it feel like a smooth transition, rather than a hard cut. I can't wait for those kinds of animations to come to multiplatform games because it will be a nice change of pace from me desperately trying to read the first sentence of 4 paragraphs in a loading screen, or critical hints/tips being only shown in said screen. I'm installing Spider-Man now, I can finally get around to it now that it's 60 FPS. It just felt bad to me in 30. I've also got Sackboy ready to go, but I'm not sure if I care to try it any time soon. Mostly got it because there wasn't much else to get. I also plan to check out Ghosts of Tsushima sometime after I'm done with AC: Valhalla. Don't want to overload on open world games, but I'm also interested in it now that it's also at 60. Might wait for a sale, though. Still pretty expensive. And I still have Cold Steel 4 to play through. Juggling way too many games right now. All in all while my mind hasn't been blown, it's been WAY better than the PS4 at whatever point I got it (shortly after Bloodborne launch) at least in terms of the console itself and new features. It doesn't feel like an underpowered laptop like the old consoles did at launch and it's bringing some genuinely new and neat stuff to the table. I hope this generation proves fruitful.
  8. I can confirm that the PS5 looks fucking stupid. I can appreciate that, as I like consoles the dumber they look (still waiting for a donut shaped console) but it's hardly cool or sleek. Neither is the Series X, but it's more... "stately" is really overselling it, but it's like a fat guy wearing a nice suit, whereas the PS5 is like the annoying 8 foot tall hipster, and in the case of my non-digital version, he's also got a weird hunchback.
  9. Yeah but what about not inviting the pedophile. I mean, you give me a list, A, B, C, D, I'm gonna pick the one that excludes the dude who shows his cock to kids.
  10. Imagine rescheduling at something that will be a meme and make you look like a fucking moron forever instead of just uninviting pedophiles and sex offenders.
  11. God, I find the use of emojis by adults to be unbelievably infantile and obnoxious. At least for serious shit like reporting on an election.
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